  1. What does the writer want the readers to believe after reading this passage?( )。

  2. A:Japan is a nation with free marketing B:Japanese chose to forget the crime of Americans in Hiroshima C:Japan is a nation with modern technology D:Japan reshaped itself with the help with America
    答案:Japan is a nation with free marketing###Japanese chose to forget the crime of Americans in Hiroshima###Japan is a nation with modern technology###Japan reshaped itself with the help with America
  3. How does the writer push his theme about the liveliness of the city of Hiroshima?( )。

  4. A:From the quick reaction and politeness of citizens B:From the wisdom of forgetting the hatred and choose to face the future C:From the physical objects of modern technology D:From the good economic development
    答案:From the quick reaction and politeness of citizens###From the wisdom of forgetting the hatred and choose to face the future###From the physical objects of modern technology###From the good economic development
  5. What did the writer see in the out of the railway station ?( )。

  6. A:The fastest train in the world B:The kimonos and west dress C:The little red telephones D:The tobacco shops and grocery stores
    答案:The fastest train in the world###The kimonos and west dress###The little red telephones###The tobacco shops and grocery stores
  7. Which of the following verbs with the meaning of “紧张、忐忑、不安” in Chinese?( )。

  8. A:Nervous B:Inhabited C:Anxious D:Agitated
  9. 本文是美国作家塑造的活力日本、活力广岛的形象,作者的主旨“活力”,主要是指日本人选择忘却历史、放下仇恨的豁达态度,面向未来、化敌为友的超然智慧;然而实质上,这是将日本包装成资本主义政治和自由市场经济的活招牌,用以炫耀美国扶植下的日本战后恢复和经济发展速度,用“抱得一手好大腿”的日本来吸引更多可能患上“软骨病”的国家和政府。( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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