  1. Which of the following are the features and requirements for a scientific report? ( )。

  2. A:Objectiveness B:Conciseness C:Logic D:Complexity E:Formality F:Preciseness
  3. What are the features of diction and sentences in this passage? ( )。

  4. A:Non-personal subject sentences and passive voice B:Long sentences of Chain type and Fan type C:Rich information and complex logic in sentences D:Scientific terms, formal words and specific words
  5. What techniques are used in this passage? ( )。

  6. A:Logic chain B:Classification C:Time axis D:Exemplification
  7. Which of the following methods the writer used in this passage? ( )。

  8. A:Wise prediction B:From general to specific with detailed illustration C:Based on the face D:Key sentences and views at the beginning of paragraphs
  9. 本文作者即具有前瞻性,同时也具有局限性。前瞻性体现在这篇科研报告既基于事实,又有大胆预测,是客观与主观的结合,作者观点前瞻、提出危机意识,态度鲜明、批评犀利。作者的局限性体现在时代和作者身份两个方面:时代的局限性决定了在21-23段中,本应该来到解决问题的阶段,作者却还是将解决之道局限在主观的思维层面,没有落实到行动,并对解决环境和生态问题,抱有消极的态度;而作者美国政客的身份,也使其在讨论全球性的环境生态问题的时候,替美国粉饰、遮掩;对中国情况认识的浅薄也体现了其政治短视。 ( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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