第九章 竞争策略:本单元讲授战略管理中常用竞争策略,一共包括6节微课。第1节是对竞争策略的整体介绍;第2节介绍全面成本领先策略;第3节是差异化策略;第4节是成本聚焦策略;第5节是差异化聚焦策略;最后一节介绍竞争策略在实际工作中的应用。该单元以沃尔玛、宝马、百事可乐等知名公司为例,对竞争策略的应用进行了细致地分析,能够让学习者掌握竞争策略的类型、特点、影响因素等相关知识。9.1竞争策略介绍:竞争策略介绍
[单选题]1. A competitive strategy may be defined as a long-term plan of action that a company devises towards achieving a _______ over its competitors after examining the strengths and weaknesses of the latter and comparing them to its own.选项:[higher market share, niche market, competitive advantage, stronger customer loyalty]
[单选题]2. Which of the following statement is true about competitive strategy?选项:[Each competitive strategy positions a company differently in its market., Each competitive strategy entails differences in product line, production emphasis, marketing emphasis, and means to sustain the strategy., Each competitive strategy establishes a theme for how a company can outperform rivals., All of the above.]
[单选题]5. A differentiation strategy focuses on providing a product or a service with _______ attributes, in comparison with the competition, to reach a broad market. In other words, it means to set the product or service apart from similar ones.选项:[successful, distinctive, similar, excellent]
[单选题]10. What is the advantage for a company to use differentiation focus strategy?选项:[Either (A) and (B), There is less competition and, therefore, greater pricing flexibility in the niche market., The company becomes more experienced and specialized at providing goods and services to a limited sector of consumers, and it can charge more for that expertise due to reduced competition., Both (A) and (B)]
[单选题]7. Cost fous means a company that reduces production costs relative to its competitors and thus can charge lower prices for its products than other companies in the target _________.选项:[area, segment, market, industry]
[单选题]8. When using the _____, there is a potential danger of a broad-market cost leader.选项:[cost leadership, differentiation focus strategy, differentiation strategy, cost focus strategy]
[单选题]9. __________ strategy describes a situation wherein a company chooses to strategically differentiate itself from the competition within a narrow or niche market.选项:[Cost focus strategy, Differentiation strategy, Cost leadership, Differentiation focus strategy]
[单选题]6. How can a company achieve differentiation?选项:[Competitive pricing., Enhanced customer support., All of the above., Functional design.]
[单选题]3. ______ is the strategy used by businesses to create a low cost of operation within their niche. The use of this strategy is primarily to gain an advantage over competitors by reducing operation costs below that of others in the same industry.选项:[Cost leadership, Differentiation focus, Cost focus, Differentiation]
[单选题]4. What factors should be considered if a company plans to adopt cost leadership strategy?选项:[The level of how technology is implemented., The capacity of one party to dominate the other due to its influence, power, size, or status, or through a combination of different persuasion tactics., All of the above., The rate at which potential output levels are being met or used.]

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