1. How is MEG different from other neurological sensing techniques? ( )
A:MEG is no different from the other techniques B:MEG is much less expensive to use C:MEG provides the most accurate resolution of nerve cell activity D:MEG is much more expensive to use E:MEG is very simple to use
2. What is the type of memory that includes a specialized part of LTM and shares some features of STM? ( )
A:Workhorse memory B:At-Work memory C:Working memory D:Workbench memory
答案:AI参考:正确答案是C:Working memory。\n工作记忆包括LTM的一部分和STM的一些特征,所以答案是C。其他选项A、B、D都与问题描述不符。'
3. The experiment of subtracting reaction time is the first research paradigm designed by a psychologist called( ).
A:Hamilton B:Donders C:Posner D:Sternberg
4. Thinking is a process involving all of the following EXCEPT: ( )
A:reasoning B:problem solving C:imaging D:remembering E:judging
答案:AI参考:思考是一个涉及所有以下选项的过程,但不包括:\n\n(D) 记忆。\n\n思考涉及到推理、解决问题、想象、判断等一系列复杂的认知过程。推理和解决问题通常涉及到分析信息,形成新的观点,而想象和判断则是基于已有信息进行预测、评价或决策的过程。这些过程都与思考的实质有关。而记忆是存储和提取过去的经验或信息的过程,它并不直接涉及到思考的本质。因此,D选项记忆不是思考所涉及到的过程。'
5. Neisser published the first monograph entitled "cognitive psychology" in ( ).
A:1956 B:1879 C:1967 D:1970
6. Which technic is used in conjunction with EGG or MEG to evaluate the effects of changes in brain electrical activity on perceiving and thinking?( )
7. Memory across the lifespan: ( )
A:experiences an upward rise, and then a slow but study decline B:remains relatively stable C:is selective for events and time periods in life. D:remains relatively stable after the point of childhood amnesia
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:remains relatively stable。\n\n根据题干中的句子“Memory across the lifespan:”,可以推断出这是一个关于记忆随年龄变化的论述,而选项B“remains relatively stable”表示记忆在整个人生中保持相对稳定,符合题意。选项A表示记忆随年龄增长而上升,然后逐渐下降,但与题干中的描述不符;选项C表示记忆选择性地关注生命中的某些事件和时期,与记忆随年龄变化无关;选项D表示童年失忆症后的记忆相对稳定,但与题干中的描述也不完全相符。因此,正确答案是B。'
8. The infants up to one year of age do not seem to exhibit: ( )
A:emotions B:pretend play C:desire for social interaction D:psychomotor development
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:psychomotor development。\n\n婴儿一岁以内似乎不会表现出心理运动发展(psychomotor development),而会表现出情绪(emotions)、假装游戏(pretend play)和社交互动(desire for social interaction)等特征。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
9. Which of the following is not capacity limited cognitive system ? ( )
A:LTM B:STM C:Attention D:Sensation
答案:AI参考:【单选题】下列哪项不是“capacity limited cognitive system”的组成部分? (D:Sensation)。\n\ncapacity limited cognitive system指的是“能力有限认知系统”,它包括LTM(长时记忆)、STM(短期记忆)和attention(注意力)等组成部分。而sensation则是指感觉,不属于capacity limited cognitive system的组成部分。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
10. When pattern recognition is conceptually driven and first initiated by the whole pattern it would be considered to be: ( )
A:"bottom-up" processing B:template matching C:featural similarity D:prototype recognition E:"top-down" processing
答案:AI参考:正确答案是E:“top-down” processing。\n\n根据题干中的描述,当模式识别是由整体模式概念上驱动并首先由整体模式启动时,它会被认为是“自上而下”的处理方式,即E选项“top-down” processing。其他选项的含义如下:A选项“bottom-up” processing是指从下往上,即从局部特征到整体结构的识别过程;B选项template matching是指模板匹配,用于比较图像中的特定区域或形状是否匹配预定义的模板;C选项featural similarity是指特征相似性,即对图像中的特定特征进行比较以确定其相似性;D选项prototype recognition是指原型识别,用于识别与已知原型相似的对象。因此,根据题干中的描述,最合适的选项是E。'
11. It has been shown that diagrams or visual models in logical problem solving: ( )
A:work best with distance oriented problems B:are of little assistance in problem solving C:assist even novices in arriving at a valid conclusion D:frequently lead to invalid conclusions, although the time to reach a conclusion is usually fast

12. Aristotle's system of reasoning is called the: ( )
A:syllogism B:method of limits C:analogy D:hypothesis E:inductive method 13. Arrange two different reaction time assignments (tasks), One of the assignments contains a factor that is not available for another assignment, and in other aspects are all the same, from the reaction of the two assignments when to determine the difference between the corresponding processing, called this kind of research paradigm. ( )
A:experiment of subtracting reaction time B:scanning experiment C:experiments in processing reactions D:experiment of open window 14. Support for the feature analysis argument of pattern perception can be found in the research of ________ on the visual cortex. ( )
A:Hubel and Wiesel B:Shepard and Metzler C:Solso and McCarthy D:Simon and Newell E:Palmer and Rosch 15. Anthropomorphism is associated with the ________ according to Piaget. ( )
A:formal-operational period B:early adulthood C:preoperative period D:sensorimotor period E:concrete-operative period 16. Recent work in word recognition has taken advantage of: ( )
A:new teaching training programs B:specific blood flow observations C:beta matching tasks D:powerful personality tests E:standardized tests 17. In general, research participants use ________ or ________ in concept formation tasks. ( )
A:rote memory; guessing B:colors; shapes C:focusing; scanning D:gambling; guessing E:shapes; size 18. The term sensation refers to: ( )
A:seeing light rays B:visualizing images C:touching and feeling objects D:detection of energy from the physical world E:detection of particles 19. The "scheme," as defined by Piaget, is: ( )
A:any object in memory B:a trick C:a developmental period D:a mental representation incorporating numerous actions E:the simplest level of organization in the mental structure 20. Research with go and gomoku pieces suggests that the scanning of a game is by means of: ( )
A:holistic processing B:top-down and bottom-up analysis C:sequential processing D:parallel processing 21. Second-order isomorphism holds that objects in memory and objects in the real world: ( )
A:may be functionally related B:are identical C:none of the above D:are totally unrelated E:cannot be measured 22. When colors have sounds and words have taste, one may experiencing: ( )
A:hallucinations B:synthesis C:synesthesia D:amnesiac break E:poor mnemonic 23. Which of the following is in the correct order concerning stages of information processing of external stimuli? ( )
A:Sensory detection, stimulus energy, transduction, coding, overt activity B:Stimulus energy, transduction, sensory detection, coding, overt activity C:Stimulus energy, coding, transduction, sensory detection, overt activity D:Sensory detection, stimulus energy, transduction, coding, overt activity 24. Functional fixedness refers to the idea that: ( )
A:fixed impressions function best B:function follows form C:objects designed for solving problems are meant to be used in a particular way D:fixed objects are difficult to rotate mentally E:it is difficult to use an object in an unfamiliar way 25. Who has been acknowledged as Father of American Psychology?( )
A:George Miller B:William James C:Karl Lashley D:Edward Tolman 26. Wernicke's area of the brain seems to involve:( )
A:language production B:control of fine motor movements C:thinking and problem solving D:language comprehension E:imagery 27.

Which of the following models better explains the "cocktail party effect"? ( )

A:The filter model B:The response selection model C:All other options are correct D:The attenuation model 28. Strategies that a research participant may employ in testing a hypothesis include: ( )
A:simultaneous scanning B:successive scanning C:conservative focusing D:construction focusing 29. LTM is thought to: ( )
A:be unlimited B:include both specific and general information C:last a lifetime D:be subject to interference effects 30. Which of the following is one of Chomsky's grammar principles? ( )
A:the underlying structure contains elements common to all languages. B:language is a generative system. C:the underlying structures of language reflect innate organizing principles of cognition. D:language has an underlying structure related to the meaning of sentences. 31.

Among the reasons cognitive psychologists study language is because: ( )

A:it is related to problem solving B:it engages specific cerebral areas of the brain C:none of the other options D:it is a form of abstraction 32.

The main theoretical organization on how information is coded includes: ( )

A:none of the other options  B:the conceptual-propositional hypothesis C:the functional-equivalence hypothesis D:the dual coding hypothesis 33. Three principles of skilled memory are: ( )
A:the slow down forgetting principle B:the retrieval structure principle C:mnemonic encoding principle D:the speedup principle 34. Which belong to the senses? ( )
A:gustatory B:auditory C:visual D:tactile 35. Which one is true of those statements about short-term memory? ( )
A:Typical release-form-PI experiments is showed that STM is mainly coded by semantics. B:The short-term memory’s capacity is limited, and will be influenced by memory material. C:The short-term memory is mainly coded by semantics. D:The short-term memory is mainly coded by visual. 36. " The term second-order isomorphism means a lawful relationship between: ( )
A:geons B:external objects C:internal representations of external objects D:images 37. Posner's research with delayed matching of letters indicates that STM code was: ( )
A:visual, auditory, and semantic B:auditory C:semantic D:visual 38. Attention is the concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events. ( )
A:错 B:对 39. Priming facilitates recognition of an associate to that word without any conscious awareness of the process. ( )
A:错 B:对 40. The term "expert systems" refers to statistical software. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 41. "In studies of ""higher-order"" cognition, such as reading, children show greater reliance on semantic based representations while adults rely more on perceptually representations". ( )
A:错误 B:正确 42. The technique used by Ebbinghaus to study memory included in the following: ( )
A:he used consonant-vowel-consonant sequences B:he was interested in forgetting C:he would memorize many lists of nonsense syllables D:Ebbinghaus was the only research participant 43. Thinking is a process involving all of the following: ( ).
A:reasoning B:problem solving C:remembering D:imaging 44.记忆的多存储器模型是由Atkinson和Shiffrin(1968)提出的。
A:错 B:对 45.Craik等人认为,简单的 并不必然促使信息由短时记忆转入长时记忆。
A:复述 B:浅加工 C:巩固 D:深加工 46.脑区()顿悟过程的“发动者”
A:海马 B:扣带前回 C:前额叶 D:颞-枕区 47.Neisser将视觉通道的感觉记忆称为 。
A:瞬时记忆 B:声像记忆 C:图像记忆 D:视觉记忆 48.在Collins和Loftus的激活扩散模型中,结点(方框)代表( ),连线表示它们之间的联系。
A:原型 B:联想 C:命题 D:概念 49.在认知心理学中,构成模式的元素和成分可称为
A:构型 B:原型 C:模板 D:特征 50.Craik与Tulving(1975)做了一系列实验来证明加工水平说,实验的主要范式被称为 。
A:内隐学习 B:偶然学习 C:复述学习 D:有意学习 51.()通常发生在当人们没有时间认真思考某个问题,或者负载信息过多以至于无法充分地对问题进行加工的情况下。
A:锚定与调整 B: 代表性启发 C:可得性启发 D:情感启发法 52.特征理论认为,在模式识别中起关键作用的是
A:特征+特征分析 B:特征 C:模式 D:特征分析 53.实验借助表象鲜明问卷将被试区分为表象鲜明组和非鲜明组,发现表象鲜明组被试和非鲜明组被试在知觉和表象两种条件下的锐敏度都随两点的识记比例增大而提高,但非鲜明组的被试在表象条件下的锐敏度低于知觉条件下的,其曲线的形状是相似的,揭示了表象存在着个体差异。
A:麦克白实验 B:锐敏度实验 C:选择性干扰实验 D:定位实验 54.1964年,Conrad制做成了( ),发现短时记忆的错误主要来源于听觉特征的声音混淆,而不是视觉特征的混淆。
A:逆向学习曲线 B:遗忘矩阵 C:混淆矩阵 D:错误矩阵 55.感觉记忆最初是由 发现并提出的,他研究的主要是视觉通道的感觉记忆。
A:Neisser B:Ebbinghaus C:James D:Sperling 56.在原型理论中,从刺激中抽取特征属于
A:形成抽象表象阶段 B:刺激匹配阶段 C:形成具体的像的阶段 D:刺激审查阶段 57.特征整合理论的出发点是
A:知觉的特征分析说 B:两阶段说 C:原型说 D:特征粘合说 58. 实验最初是由荷兰生理学家Donders(1868)提出的,目的是测量包含在复杂反应中的辨别、选择等心理过程所需要的时间。
A:减法反应时 B:开窗实验 C: 出声思考 D:相加因素法 59.在元记忆中,即时估计所评价的是 。
A:短时记忆 B:工作记忆 C:瞬时记忆 D:长时记忆 60.研究者认为,脑电成分____________代表阅读过程中语义通达和语义整合的过程。
A:P600 B:N400 C:P300 D:MMN 61.研究者发现,话语的流程和停顿是交替出现的,表现出流畅和停顿的周期性特点。这意味着()和执行言语计划是交替进行的
A:概念化 B:计划阶段的自我监控 C:制定言语计划 D:说话过程中的自我监控 62.专家能迅速从记忆中寻找相似问题的“案例”,并应用其中的解题方法,从而使得专家比新手在()方面表现更好。
A: 问题解决过程中侧重点 B:问题解决速度 C: 知识数量 D:理解和表征问题 63.Murdock(1962)的实验证明了 会影响长时记忆,而不影响短时记忆。
A:呈现时间 B:间隔时间 C:呈现方式 D:延迟时间 64.下面属于内隐测验的选项有
A:词干补笔 B: 新旧再认 C:系列回忆 D:模糊字辨认 65.证明短时记忆存在视觉编码的实验研究主要有         
A:Shulman(1970,1971,1972)的匹配实验 B:Solso 和 Short(1979)使用颜色块进行的实验 C:Posner(1969)的同形、异形字母对实验 D: Conrad(1964)的视觉混淆实验 66.依据Biederman的部件识别理论,对物体识别产生影响的因素有
A:表面信息 B:边缘信息 C:凹面信息 D:部件数目 E:对几何部件的检测 67.拓扑性质的核心思想主要强调
A:强调大小知觉的拓扑结构 B:强调早期知觉的拓扑性质 C:强调晚期知觉的拓扑性质 D:强调变换中的不变性知觉 E:强调形状知觉的拓扑结构 68.双矩形提示范式的研究结论支持
A:基于位置的注意 B:基于物体的注意 C:基于图形的注意 D:基于图像的注意 E:基于特征的注意 69.特征整合理论的支持性实验证据包括
A:字母搜索实验 B:双耳分听程序 C:追随实验程序 D:错觉性结合 E:非对称性搜索 70.内隐学习的研究范式主要有( )。
A:人工语法范式 B:序列学习范式 C:双任务范式 D:信号检测范式 71.激活扩散模型包括( )过程。
A:搜索过程 B:表述过程 C:语义过程 D:决策过程 72.联结主义取向的认知心理学的特点为                
A:用神经元之间的激活联结方式来解释不同的认知过程 B:能很好的地解释人类的复杂的认知加工 C:采用神经网络来解释认知加工 D:认为人类认知加工是严格的线性系列加工 73.声像记忆与图像记忆的差别主要表现为如下几个方面 。
A:视觉信息保存时间约为0.25到1秒,而听觉信息则可长达4秒 B:声像记忆的保持时间比图像记忆长 C:听觉容量仅为5个项目左右,而视觉容量为9个甚至更多 D:声像记忆的容量比图像记忆小 74.聚光灯模型和变焦透镜模型是类似的。
A:错 B:对 75.Waugh 和 Norman的实验结果支持了痕迹衰退说。
A:对 B:错 76.相加因素法认为如果两个因素的效应是相互制约的,即产生交互作用,那么这两个因素共同作用于同一个信息加工阶段;如果两个因素的作用是分别独立的,即可以相加,那么这两个因素各自作用于不同的加工阶段。
A:对 B:错 77.心理旋转实验证明表象加工过程的独立地位和作用。
A:错 B:对 78.每天写日记是也是一种培养元认知的好方法。
A:错 B:对 79.层次网络模型的语义信息高度组织化,有着严密的结构,一些知识事先得到贮存,当需要从记忆中提取信息时,搜索成为其必不可少的加工过程。因此,该模型含有一定的推理能力。
A:错 B:对 80.新手往往不会评估解决问题的结果,他们不顾答案是否合理就盲目地接受它,这是因为缺乏监控问题解决的表现。
A:错 B:对 81.多存储器模型也就是记忆信息三级加工模型。
A:对 B:错 82.如果同时进行同一感觉通道的知觉和表象两种活动,会发生表象和知觉的相互干扰,甚至相互混淆。
A:对 B:错 83.四耳人任务和三耳人实验主要研究了声像记忆。
A:错 B:对 84.多重记忆系统说认为外显记忆属于陈述性记忆系统,内隐记忆属于启动系统。
A:错 B:对 85.自下而上的显著性有两条基本的规则:目标-干扰子之间的异质性和干扰子之间的异质性能够增加目标的显著性。
A:对 B:错 86.多存储器模型的扩展模型主要增加了对控制过程的扩展。
A:对 B:错 87.Hamilton等(1977)和Hockey等(1981)的字母转换实验就是经典的减法实验范例。
A:错 B:对 88.混合模型的基本观点是:短时记忆的信息提取既包含扫描方式,也存在直通方式。
A:错 B:对 89.三段论推理可以顺利进行而不需应用任何逻辑规则。
A:对 B:错 90.相加因素法认为完成一个作业所需要的时间是组成这个作业的一系列信息加工阶段分别所需要时间的总和。
A:对 B:错 91.在大量的言语信息加工中,短时记忆可以直接以视觉方法进行编码。
A:错 B:对 92.模式识别的过程就是将感觉信息与长时记忆中有关信息进行比较匹配的过程。
A:对 B:错 93.系列位置效应可以用从头至尾的系列扫描来解释。
A:错 B:对

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