

  1. How is MEG different from other neurological sensing techniques? ( )

  2. A:MEG is no different from the other techniques B:MEG is much less expensive to use C:MEG provides the most accurate resolution of nerve cell activity D:MEG is much more expensive to use E:MEG is very simple to use
  3. What is the type of memory that includes a specialized part of LTM and shares some features of STM? ( )

  4. A:Workhorse memory B:At-Work memory C:Working memory D:Workbench memory
    答案:VirtualAI参考:正确答案是C:Working memory。工作记忆包括LTM的一部分和STM的一些特征,所以答案是C。其他选项A、B、D都与问题描述不符。'
  5. The experiment of subtracting reaction time is the first research paradigm designed by a psychologist called( ).

  6. A:Hamilton B:Donders C:Posner D:Sternberg
  7. Thinking is a process involving all of the following EXCEPT: ( )

  8. A:reasoning B:problem solving C:imaging D:remembering E:judging
    答案:chronologicallyAI参考:思考是一个涉及所有以下选项的过程,但不包括:(D) 记忆。思考涉及到推理、解决问题、想象、判断等一系列复杂的认知过程。推理和解决问题通常涉及到分析信息,形成新的观点,而想象和判断则是基于已有信息进行预测、评价或决策的过程。这些过程都与思考的实质有关。而记忆是存储和提取过去的经验或信息的过程,它并不直接涉及到思考的本质。因此,D选项记忆不是思考所涉及到的过程。'
  9. The duration of iconic storage seems to be: ( )

  10. A:about 1 minute B:250 seconds C:about 3-4 seconds D:about 250 milliseconds E:about 3 hours
  11. Evidence for mental imagery comes from Shepard and his associates, who demonstrated that: ( )

  12. 答案:the mental rotation of visual forms is difficult to explain in propositional terms
  13. Neisser published the first monograph entitled "cognitive psychology" in ( ).

  14. A:1956 B:1879 C:1967 D:1970
    答案:Death of a SalesmanAI参考:正确答案是C:1967。本题考查细节。Neisser出版了第一本题为“认知心理学”的专着是在1967年。所以答案为C。'
  15. Which technic is used in conjunction with EGG or MEG to evaluate the effects of changes in brain electrical activity on perceiving and thinking?( )

  17. For automatic processing to occur, there must be: ( )

  18. A:Free flow of information from memory to the person’s control of actions B:To be in the correct location at the correct time C:Automatic processing occurs naturally in all situations D:Situation memorization
    答案:After an initial stage of controlled processing,automatic processing is a stage in learning that requires less mental “space”and attentional effort on the learner’s part.
  19. Memory across the lifespan: ( )

  20. A:experiences an upward rise, and then a slow but study decline B:remains relatively stable C:is selective for events and time periods in life. D:remains relatively stable after the point of childhood amnesia
    AI参考:正确答案是B:remains relatively stable。根据题干中的句子“Memory across the lifespan:”,可以推断出这是一个关于记忆随年龄变化的论述,而选项B“remains relatively stable”表示记忆在整个人生中保持相对稳定,符合题意。选项A表示记忆随年龄增长而上升,然后逐渐下降,但与题干中的描述不符;选项C表示记忆选择性地关注生命中的某些事件和时期,与记忆随年龄变化无关;选项D表示童年失忆症后的记忆相对稳定,但与题干中的描述也不完全相符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  21. The infants up to one year of age do not seem to exhibit: ( )

  22. A:emotions B:pretend play C:desire for social interaction D:psychomotor development
    AI参考:正确答案是D:psychomotor development。婴儿一岁以内似乎不会表现出心理运动发展(psychomotor development),而会表现出情绪(emotions)、假装游戏(pretend play)和社交互动(desire for social interaction)等特征。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  23. Which of the following is not capacity limited cognitive system ? ( )

  24. A:LTM B:STM C:Attention D:Sensation
    AI参考:【单选题】下列哪项不是“capacity limited cognitive system”的组成部分? (D:Sensation)。capacity limited cognitive system指的是“能力有限认知系统”,它包括LTM(长时记忆)、STM(短期记忆)和attention(注意力)等组成部分。而sensation则是指感觉,不属于capacity limited cognitive system的组成部分。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  25. When pattern recognition is conceptually driven and first initiated by the whole pattern it would be considered to be: ( )

  26. A:"bottom-up" processing B:template matching C:featural similarity D:prototype recognition E:"top-down" processing
    AI参考:正确答案是E:“top-down” processing。根据题干中的描述,当模式识别是由整体模式概念上驱动并首先由整体模式启动时,它会被认为是“自上而下”的处理方式,即E选项“top-down” processing。其他选项的含义如下:A选项“bottom-up” processing是指从下往上,即从局部特征到整体结构的识别过程;B选项template matching是指模板匹配,用于比较图像中的特定区域或形状是否匹配预定义的模板;C选项featural similarity是指特征相似性,即对图像中的特定特征进行比较以确定其相似性;D选项prototype recognition是指原型识别,用于识别与已知原型相似的对象。因此,根据题干中的描述,最合适的选项是E。'
  27. It has been shown that diagrams or visual models in logical problem solving: ( )

  28. A:work best with distance oriented problems B:are of little assistance in problem solving C:assist even novices in arriving at a valid conclusion D:frequently lead to invalid conclusions, although the time to reach a conclusion is usually fast
    AI参考:C:assist even novices in arriving at a valid conclusion根据题目中的描述,图表或视觉模型在逻辑问题解决中,已经被证明能够协助新手得出有效的结论。选项A和D都与题目描述不符,选项B则完全相反。因此,正确答案是C:图表或视觉模型在逻辑问题解决中,能够协助新手得出有效的结论。'
  29. Aristotle's system of reasoning is called the: ( )

  30. A:syllogism B:method of limits C:analogy D:hypothesis E:inductive method
    AI参考:正确答案是E:inductive method。亚里士多德的系统推理被称为归纳法(inductive method)。推理有三种形式:演绎推理(syllogism)、归纳推理(inductive method)和类比推理(analogy)。其中,演绎推理是从一般到特殊的推理过程,而归纳推理是从特殊到一般的推理过程。因此,选项E是正确答案。'
  31. Which of the following does NOT describe a code in STM? ( )

  32. A:visual B:acoustic C:mechanical D:semantic
    答案:(c) only
  33. Arrange two different reaction time assignments (tasks), One of the assignments contains a factor that is not available for another assignment, and in other aspects are all the same, from the reaction of the two assignments when to determine the difference between the corresponding processing, called this kind of research paradigm. ( )

  34. A:experiment of subtracting reaction time B:scanning experiment C:experiments in processing reactions D:experiment of open window
  35. Support for the feature analysis argument of pattern perception can be found in the research of ________ on the visual cortex. ( )

  36. A:Hubel and Wiesel B:Shepard and Metzler C:Solso and McCarthy D:Simon and Newell E:Palmer and Rosch
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Hubel and Wiesel。根据题目中给出的关键词"支持feature analysis argument of pattern perception",在视觉皮层上的研究文献中,我们可以通过阅读该研究的内容来判断哪些是支持该观点的证据。根据所给的选项,Hubel and Wiesel(H&W)在视觉皮层的研究中对于feature analysis of pattern perception的支持是比较典型的例子。因此,答案是A。B、C、D和E选项与题目的描述无关。这个问题的回答旨在提供一个具有证据支持的答案,以便帮助理解特征分析的模式感知理论。因此,只有选项A提供了一个在视觉皮层上的研究中支持特征分析的模式感知理论的证据,这也是问题的关键点。其他选项在主题或与问题的描述不相关。'
  37. Anthropomorphism is associated with the ________ according to Piaget. ( )

  38. A:formal-operational period B:early adulthood C:preoperative period D:sensorimotor period E:concrete-operative period
    AI参考:答案为D:sensorimotor period根据皮亚杰的理论,拟人化是与感操作和运动期有关的,感操作和运动期是一个关于对环境和自身的感觉运动的知觉、观察、思维和理解阶段。这一阶段的认知特征主要包括使用感官探索世界和体验行为结果等,婴儿的抓握、扣眼等都是感知操作的基本表现。因此,选项D“sensorimotor period”是正确答案。其他选项中,formal-operational period是指形式运算期,它包括了儿童大约从10岁到成年期的思维发展阶段;early adulthood是指成年早期,这是一个人生阶段,主要关注自我发展和职业发展;preoperative period是指手术前阶段,主要关注术前准备和术后恢复;concrete-operative period是指具体运算期,这是皮亚杰认知发展阶段中的一个阶段,包括从7岁到青春期晚期,主要特征是逻辑性、有组织性和可以调整的思维。所以正确答案为D。'
  39. Recent work in word recognition has taken advantage of: ( )

  40. A:new teaching training programs B:specific blood flow observations C:beta matching tasks D:powerful personality tests E:standardized tests
    AI参考:正确答案是C:beta matching tasks。最近在单词识别领域的工作利用了beta匹配任务,这是一种实验任务,可以用来研究单词识别的过程和机制。其他选项如新的教学培训计划、特定血流量观察、强大的个性测试和标准化测试虽然也是某些领域的研究方向,但并不是近期在单词识别领域的主要研究手段。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  41. In general, research participants use ________ or ________ in concept formation tasks. ( )

  42. A:rote memory; guessing B:colors; shapes C:focusing; scanning D:gambling; guessing E:shapes; size
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:gambling; guessing。根据题干中的关键词“concept formation tasks”可知,研究参与者通常在概念形成任务中使用赌博或猜测的方式。赌博或猜测常常涉及不靠谱或非理性思考的方式,因此在概念形成任务中使用它们很常见。因此,正确答案是D,gambling; guessing。其他选项如“rote memory”、“colors; shapes”、“focusing; scanning”和“shapes; size”在题干中没有提到或与题干无关。'
  43. The term sensation refers to: ( )

  44. A:seeing light rays B:visualizing images C:touching and feeling objects D:detection of energy from the physical world E:detection of particles
    AI参考:正确答案是C:touching and feeling objects。sensation这个词指的是触摸和感觉物体的过程,因此选项C是正确的。其他选项如A、B、D和E都与sensation这个词的含义不符。A选项中的“seeing light rays”指的是视觉感知,B选项中的“visualizing images”指的是视觉想象,D选项中的“detection of energy from the physical world”指的是物理世界的能量检测,E选项中的“detection of particles”指的是粒子检测,这些选项都与sensation这个词的含义不符。'
  45. The "scheme," as defined by Piaget, is: ( )

  46. A:any object in memory B:a trick C:a developmental period D:a mental representation incorporating numerous actions E:the simplest level of organization in the mental structure
    AI参考:根据皮亚杰的定义,“方案”是:D:一个结合了多种行动的心理表征。解释:选项A、B、E都与问题描述不符。选项C虽然与“developmental period”有关,但问题中提到的“scheme”更倾向于指代一种心理结构或认知模式。因此,D选项“一个结合了多种行动的心理表征”最符合问题的描述。'
  47. Research with go and gomoku pieces suggests that the scanning of a game is by means of: ( )

  48. A:holistic processing B:top-down and bottom-up analysis C:sequential processing D:parallel processing
    AI参考:选项D:平行处理(Parallel processing)是正确答案。题目中提到“用五子棋进行研究”,表明研究方法是基于平行处理的方式,即将游戏看作一系列并行处理的过程,而非依次进行的分析或综合处理。选项A的“整体处理”(holistic processing)强调整体性,而非并行处理;选项B的“自上而下和自下而上分析”(top-down and bottom-up analysis)通常用于描述认知过程,而非游戏扫描;选项C的“顺序处理”(sequential processing)则强调按顺序进行的分析和加工,与题目描述不符。因此,选项D的“平行处理”是符合题意的正确答案。'
  49. Second-order isomorphism holds that objects in memory and objects in the real world: ( )

  50. A:may be functionally related B:are identical C:none of the above D:are totally unrelated E:cannot be measured
    AI参考:正确答案是【A:may be functionally related 】。Second-order isomorphism的意思是第二级同构,它认为记忆中的对象和现实世界中的对象在功能上可能有关联。因此,选项A“may be functionally related”(可能在功能上有关联)是正确的。选项B“are identical”(完全相同)和选项D“are totally unrelated”(完全无关)都与第二级同构的定义不符。选项C“none of the above”(以上都不对)是多余的,因为它暗示没有正确答案。选项E“cannot be measured”(无法测量)与问题内容无关,也不正确。'
  51. Two major theories of how the world is perceived by humans are: ( )

  52. A:conscious inference and direct perception B:empiricist and nativist C:constructive perception and direct perception D:none of the above E:the visual and auditory metaphors
  53. When colors have sounds and words have taste, one may experiencing: ( )

  54. A:hallucinations B:synthesis C:synesthesia D:amnesiac break E:poor mnemonic
    答案:White and Grey.AI参考:正确答案是C:synesthesia。synesthesia是词义混合,指一种感知现象,即一种感觉(如颜色)与另一种感觉(如声音)之间产生联系的现象。该词首次在神经学中应用,主要指同时感受多组刺激。根据题目中“当颜色有声音,单词有味道时,人可能正在经历的”,应选择C选项,synesthesia词义混合,指的是多感觉的联系或相互感应的现象。而其他选项A(幻觉)、B(合成)、D(记忆中断)和E(记忆力差)与题目描述不符。'
  55. Which of the following is in the correct order concerning stages of information processing of external stimuli? ( )

  56. A:Sensory detection, stimulus energy, transduction, coding, overt activity B:Stimulus energy, transduction, sensory detection, coding, overt activity C:Stimulus energy, coding, transduction, sensory detection, overt activity D:Sensory detection, stimulus energy, transduction, coding, overt activity
    AI参考:选项D:sensory detection,stimulus energy,transduction,coding,overt activity 是关于外部刺激信息处理各阶段的正确顺序。解释:首先,sensory detection是感觉检测阶段,负责接收和处理来自外部环境的刺激。接下来是stimulus energy,即刺激能量阶段,这一阶段可能涉及到刺激的强度、频率等特征。transduction是转换阶段,将刺激的物理特征转化为神经元可以理解的电信号。coding是编码阶段,将转换后的电信号转化为神经元内部的化学变化,以便长期记忆。最后是overt activity,即表现活动阶段,这一阶段涉及到行为反应或认知理解。因此,正确的顺序应该是sensory detection,stimulus energy,transduction,coding,overt activity。'
  57. Functional fixedness refers to the idea that: ( )

  58. A:fixed impressions function best B:function follows form C:objects designed for solving problems are meant to be used in a particular way D:fixed objects are difficult to rotate mentally E:it is difficult to use an object in an unfamiliar way
  59. Who has been acknowledged as Father of American Psychology?( )

  60. A:George Miller B:William James C:Karl Lashley D:Edward Tolman
    AI参考:答案B:William James。威廉·詹姆斯被认为是美国心理学之父,因为他在美国和欧洲开创了许多心理学的先河,并将他的思想与理论影响了几代心理学家。他提出了心理学基本理论中的一些重要概念,如意识流、情感的社会性、刺激和反应、反射和行为的性质、人的情感和行为之间的联系等。因此,正确答案是B选项。'
  61. Wernicke's area of the brain seems to involve:( )

  62. A:language production B:control of fine motor movements C:thinking and problem solving D:language comprehension E:imagery
    AI参考:正确答案是D:语言理解。 Wernickes区是大脑皮层的言语中枢,主要功能是理解言语,对语言的听、说、读、写都需要该区的参与。故选D。A语言产生、B精细运动控制、C思维与问题解决与问题不符,E意象位于大脑新皮层顶叶区。 题干涉及到的知识比较深奥,更专业的知识点还包含左右大脑的划分功能。所以在生活中要养成良好的学习意识和正确的三观意识。以上只是对于本题题干的个人见解。另外大脑受损部分有很多具体影响内容较为繁杂。要学会提取有用信息结合已学知识做出选择。如其他内容想了解可阅读脑科学类书籍,当然还是以书籍和临床相关内容为主,参考个人理解和专业解释会有差别,做题的时候相信并接受出题人给的答案就可以。"
  63. Which of the following models better explains the "cocktail party effect"? ( )

  64. A:The filter model B:The response selection model C:All other options are correct D:The attenuation model
    AI参考:通过对听力环境的监测,我们发现各种不同的声音汇聚到一起就形成了所谓的“鸡尾酒会效应”。在各种声音中,人脑会自动地识别和区分其中的关键信息,这就是听力过滤器模型的功能。所以这个模型能更好地解释这种效应。因此,正确答案是选项A:The filter model。'
  65. Strategies that a research participant may employ in testing a hypothesis include: ( )

  66. A:simultaneous scanning B:successive scanning C:conservative focusing D:construction focusing
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是【B:successive scanning 】。根据题目描述,这是一个关于假设检验中参与者可能采取的策略的问题,而选项A、C、D都是描述某种具体的扫描或聚焦方式,并不适合作为正确的答案。只有选项B,即“successive scanning”,是用于在检验假设的过程中对数据依次进行扫描的策略,符合题意。因此,答案是B。'
  67. The technique used by Ebbinghaus to study memory included in the following: ( )

  68. A:he used consonant-vowel-consonant sequences B:he was interested in forgetting C:he would memorize many lists of nonsense syllables D:Ebbinghaus was the only research participant
    AI参考:正确选项为:C:he would memorize many lists of nonsense syllablesEbbinghaus采用的技术用于研究记忆,其中包括他记住了许多无意义音节的列表(C选项正确)。其他选项A、B、D与该技术无关。A选项提到的是音节序列,B选项是对遗忘的兴趣,D选项则表明Ebbinghaus是唯一的实验参与者,但这些都不在Ebbinghaus用于研究记忆的技术范围内。'
  69. LTM is thought to: ( )

  70. A:be unlimited B:include both specific and general information C:last a lifetime D:be subject to interference effects
    AI参考:LTM被认为包括:B: include both specific and general informationLTM(长时记忆)是指人脑中存储信息的时间长度,通常被认为是无限的。选项A和C描述的是记忆的容量和持续时间,与LTM的定义不符。选项D描述的是记忆受到干扰的影响,也与LTM的定义不符。因此,答案为B:包括具体和一般的信息。'
  71. Which of the following is one of Chomsky's grammar principles? ( )

  72. A:the underlying structure contains elements common to all languages. B:language is a generative system. C:the underlying structures of language reflect innate organizing principles of cognition. D:language has an underlying structure related to the meaning of sentences.
  73. Memory can be examined in terms of processes or in terms of its neurological basis. Metaphorically the memory can be thought if as: ( )

  74. A:software B:hard drive C:floppy disk D:hardware
  75. Thinking is a process involving all of the following: ( ).

  76. A:reasoning B:problem solving C:remembering D:imaging
    AI参考:正确选项为:B:problem solving。思考是一个涉及所有这些方面的过程:问题解决。其他选项如推理、记忆和想象都与思考有关,但它们并不是思考的核心或主要组成部分。在思考中,问题解决是一个核心的、重要的组成部分,因为它涉及到分析、评估和创造性的应用信息来解决特定的问题。因此,答案是B:问题解决。'
  77. Among the reasons cognitive psychologists study language is because: ( )

  78. A:it is related to problem solving B:it engages specific cerebral areas of the brain C:none of the other options D:it is a form of abstraction
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:it engages specific cerebral areas of the brain】。认知心理学家研究语言的原因之一是它涉及大脑特定区域的使用,语言的学习和使用涉及了大脑多个区域的协调工作,与简单的生物化学反应不同,它是复杂的大脑功能表现。这种复杂性是语言研究的重要部分,因为它涉及人类的思维、感知和认知能力。选项A、D都涉及语言的功能和抽象性,但不是研究语言的主要原因之一。选项C“没有其他选项”不正确,因为还有其他的理由也可以解释认知心理学家研究语言的原因。'
  79. The main theoretical organization on how information is coded includes: ( )

  80. A:none of the other options  B:the conceptual-propositional hypothesis C:the functional-equivalence hypothesis D:the dual coding hypothesis
    AI参考:答案为D:the dual coding hypothesis。根据题干中的描述,关于信息如何编码的主要理论组织包括概念命题假设、功能等效假设和双重编码假设。其中,双重编码假设是指信息是以概念和语言为基础进行编码的,即信息在大脑中被编码为概念和语言两个不同的系统。因此,选项D“双重编码假设”是正确答案。其他选项都与题干描述不符。'
  81. Three principles of skilled memory are: ( )

  82. A:the slow down forgetting principle B:the retrieval structure principle C:mnemonic encoding principle D:the speedup principle
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:the retrieval structure principle 和 C:mnemonic encoding principle技能性记忆的三个原则是:回想结构原则和助记编码原则(选项B和C)。其中,回想结构原则是指在回忆某件事情时,其表现取决于在此之前大脑已经组织、储存在脑中的有关此件事情的结构(也就是组织和线索)。而助记编码原则则是指采用与学习材料相对应的多种有效的联想、象征等技巧进行编码处理,从而提高记忆效率。这两个原则都是关于如何提高记忆效率和记忆持久性的方法。选项A(慢速遗忘原则)虽然也与记忆有关,但并不是技能性记忆的三个原则之一。选项D(速度提升原则)与记忆过程没有直接关系,因此也不符合题目要求。'
  83. Which belong to the senses? ( )

  84. A:gustatory B:auditory C:visual D:tactile
  85. Which one is true of those statements about short-term memory? ( )

  86. A:Typical release-form-PI experiments is showed that STM is mainly coded by semantics. B:The short-term memory’s capacity is limited, and will be influenced by memory material. C:The short-term memory is mainly coded by semantics. D:The short-term memory is mainly coded by visual.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The short-term memory’s capacity is limited, and will be influenced by memory material.】原文中提到“Typical release-form-PI experiments is showed that STM is mainly coded by semantics.”(典型释放形式-PI实验表明STM主要由语义编码),但没有明确说明STM的主要编码方式是视觉还是语义。而选项B提到“short-term memory’s capacity is limited, and will be influenced by memory material”,即短期记忆的容量有限,会受到记忆材料的影响,这是对短期记忆特点的正确描述。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A和D都与原文不符,而选项C虽然与原文中的语义编码有关,但并未直接涉及短期记忆的主要编码方式。'
  87. " The term second-order isomorphism means a lawful relationship between: ( )

  88. A:geons B:external objects C:internal representations of external objects D:images
    AI参考:" The term second-order isomorphism means a lawful relationship between internal representations of external objects."Second-order isomorphism"这个术语指的是外部对象内部表征之间的合法关系。也就是说,它描述的是外部对象(如物体、事件等)在大脑中的内部表征之间的联系和关系。这种关系是符合规律的,也就是说,它们是符合某种特定的认知或处理机制的。因此,选项C "internal representations of external objects" 是正确的。而选项A "geons"、B "external objects"和D "images"并不符合这个术语的含义。'
  89. Posner's research with delayed matching of letters indicates that STM code was: ( )

  90. A:visual, auditory, and semantic B:auditory C:semantic D:visual
  91. Priming facilitates recognition of an associate to that word without any conscious awareness of the process. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. The Bottom-up processing is initiated by the parts pf the pattern, which serve as the basis for the recognition of the whole. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
    答案:Achieving interpretation and production of language meaning Through prior knowledge of the language system And of physical (graphic and auditory)cues.
  95. The term "expert systems" refers to statistical software. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
    答案:work in very limited domains.AI参考:答案是B:错。题目中提到“专家系统”这个术语指的是统计软件,但是实际上专家系统是一种人工智能技术,用于模拟人类专家的思维和决策过程,而不是统计软件。因此,该题是错误的。'
  97. "In studies of ""higher-order"" cognition, such as reading, children show greater reliance on semantic based representations while adults rely more on perceptually representations". ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    答案:an already established CScan be used in the place of a natural US.AI参考:B:对。根据问题描述,儿童在阅读等“更高阶”认知任务中表现出对语义基于的表征有更大的依赖,而成人则更多地依赖于感知层面的表征。因此,答案是B:对。'
  99. Attention is the concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    答案:最高容许浓度Maximum allowable concentration,MAC.,指工作地点.在一个工作日.任何时间有毒化学物质均不应超过的浓度.AI参考:答案:B。注意是集中精力的心理活动。注意的集中程度称为专注度,专注度是一种重要的认知能力,需要专注于某个特定对象或活动,以获取或处理信息。因此,答案为B,即注意力是心理活动集中于感官或心理事件的过程。'

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