1. Attention is the concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Feature analysis asserts that pattern recognition occurs only after stimuli have been analyzed according to their simple components. Date from neurological and behavioral experiments lend support to this hypothesis. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Visual pattern recognition in humans involves visual analysis of input stimuli and long-term memory storage. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. False memories are defined as reconstructed stories (with or without awareness). ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The term "expert systems" refers to statistical software. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The main theoretical organization on how information is coded includes: ( )

  12. 答案:the conceptual-propositional hypothesis###the functional-equivalence hypothesis###the dual coding hypothesis
  13. Which of the following is one of Chomsky's grammar principles? ( )

  14. 答案:language has an underlying structure related to the meaning of sentences.###the underlying structures of language reflect innate organizing principles of cognition.###the underlying structure contains elements common to all languages.###language is a generative system.
  15. Which of the following was one of the categories Bartlett uses in his analysis? ( )

  16. 答案:research participant attitude###omissions###Rationalization###transformation of sequence
  17. LTM is thought to: ( )

  18. 答案:be subject to interference effects###last a lifetime###include both specific and general information###be unlimited
  19. Which explain the function of forgetting in STM according to Waugh and Norman's experiment of dualist model:( )

  20. 答案:Items are replaced by newer numbers###Forgetting is a function of interference.###STM is a capacity-limited system.
  21. The technique used by Ebbinghaus to study memory included in the following: ( )

  22. 答案:Ebbinghaus was the only research participant###he used consonant-vowel-consonant sequences###he was interested in forgetting###he would memorize many lists of nonsense syllables
  23. Experimental work has shown that STM includes: ( )
  24. Thinking is a process involving all of the following: ( ).
  25. An interactive activation model of letter and word perception is based on which levels: ( )
  26. Currently the principle controversy in imagery is between those who propose that imagery is ________and those who believe it to be ________. ( )
  27. Memory can be examined in terms of processes or in terms of its neurological basis. Metaphorically the memory can be thought if as: ( )
  28. Which one is true of those statements about short-term memory? ( )
  29. Atkinson and Shiffrin's model of memory uses: ( )
  30. One possible function of the iconic and echoic perceptual stores (as outlined in the text) is that they might allow us: ( )
  31. Functional fixedness refers to the idea that: ( )
  32. Pattern recognition in humans involves: ( )
  33. Aristotle's system of reasoning is called the: ( )
  34. Hubel has concluded that the development of cortical codes of perceptual forms was:( ).
  35. It has been shown that diagrams or visual models in logical problem solving: ( )
  36. The reason we selectively attend is often attributed to: ( )
  37. The experiment of subtracting reaction time is the first research paradigm designed by a psychologist called( ).
  38. The linguistic-relativity hypothesis holds that: ( )
  39. Primes have an effect on subsequent performance: ( )
  40. The duration of iconic storage seems to be: ( )
  41. Research has shown that very young infants (about 10 months old) are able to: ( )
  42. How is MEG different from other neurological sensing techniques? ( )
  43. The "scheme," as defined by Piaget, is: ( )
  44. For automatic processing to occur, there must be: ( )
  45. Visual information connected to the right hemisphere is received from ________. ( )
  46. Memory across the lifespan: ( )
  47. Which of the following does NOT describe a code in STM? ( )
  48. Neisser published the first monograph entitled "cognitive psychology" in ( ).
  49. Which technic is used in conjunction with EGG or MEG to evaluate the effects of changes in brain electrical activity on perceiving and thinking?( )
  50. All of the following is true about Posner's 1969 studies except: ( )
  51. Which of the following is not capacity limited cognitive system ? ( )
  52. George Miller wrote an influential paper on a "magical number." What is that number? ( )
  53. Sperling's experimental technique involved displaying three rows of three letters each, followed by a high, medium, or a low tone. The tones served to: ( )
  54. Who has been acknowledged as Father of American Psychology?( )
  55. When pattern recognition is conceptually driven and first initiated by the whole pattern it would be considered to be: ( )
  56. Which of the following models better explains the "cocktail party effect"? ( )
  57. The capacity of STM can be increased if stimuli are: ( )
  58. The infants up to one year of age do not seem to exhibit: ( )
  59. Support for the feature analysis argument of pattern perception can be found in the research of ________ on the visual cortex. ( )
  60. Arrange two different reaction time assignments (tasks), One of the assignments contains a factor that is not available for another assignment, and in other aspects are all the same, from the reaction of the two assignments when to determine the difference between the corresponding processing, called this kind of research paradigm. ( )
  61. Canonic perspectives are: ( )
  62. Concept is the most basic unit of thinking. ( )
  63. According to whether memory can be realized, it can be divided into: ( )
  64. Human time perception is ( )
  65. The processing of memory includes encoding, storage and retrieval. ( )
  66. The assessment of the experiment includes: ( )
  67. Thought refers to the general process of considering an issue, while logic is the science of thinking. ( )
  68. One of the oldest and most traditional theories of concept acquisition is behavioral learning theory. It rests on the principle of: ( )
  69. The probability that new information is true if a particular hypothesis is true is called: ( )
  70. Thomas Bayes provided a mathematical model that provides a method for: ( )
  71. In everyday life we frequently make decisions on the basis of ( ).
  72. Gestalt psychologists approached problem solving in terms of: ( )
  73. Creativity involves: ( )
  74. Convergent thinking moves in a straightforward manner to a particular conclusion.( )
  75. Problem solving involves both: ( )
  76. Which of the following is NOT part of Sternberg's six facets of creativity? ( )
  77. Developmental cognitive psychology has been greatly influenced by the work of Piaget and Vygotsky. ( )
  78. One of the important contributions made by Sternberg and his theories of intelligence is that: ( )
  79. The intelligence theory of Sternberg is called: ( )
  80. That we tend to perceive things in terms of their familiar uses is called: ( )
  81. "g" factor is: ( )
  82. Linguists are primarily interested in: ( )
  83. Bransford and Franks ("The ants ate the sweet jelly") found that research participants: ( )
  84. LDT stands for Lexical-Decision Task. ( )
  85. The second most important letter in a word, as far as informational loading is concerned, tends to be the: ( )
  86. The concept of an "innate" language means that: ( )
  87. In the story about a home described to a prospective homebuyer or a burglar (Anderson & Pichert) it was found that the prospective homebuyer remembered more about the ________ and the burglar remembered more about the ________. ( )
  88. Research on article summarizations (e.g., Kintsch and van Dijk) suggests that research participants tend to lose ________ after a short time but retain ________. ( )
  89. Permanent amnesia can be caused by: ( )
  90. Two types of amnesia are: ( )
  91. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to encode information after traumatic events. ( )
  92. The codings of human short-term memory basically include( ).
  93. Facial cognizance is a superficial form of facial comprehension. ( )
  94. The Peterson and Peterson (1959) experiment on STM indicated that: ( )
  95. It is commonly held that STM holds: ( )
  96. If a research participant confused a visually presented "P" with a "V" in STM we might conclude based on this evidence that STM codes: ( )
  97. Consciousness is the realization of environmental stimuli and the cognizance of mental events. ( )
  98. The focus of recent efforts in the study of attention and the human brain has been on: ( )
  99. To thoroughly understand the nature of the brain in attention it is necessary to consider the topics of: ( )
  100. In Treisman's attenuation model, the selective filter is like a/an ( ) in effect. ( )
  101. Automaticity is evaluated by comparing single task performance with a dual task situation known as: ( )
  102. According to Wertheimer, some patterns seem to be "naturally" organized. This is a principle of: ( ).
  103. What's the true of Pattern recognition? ( )
  104. Canonic perspective views that best represent an object or are the images that first come to mind when you recall a form. ( )
  105. Reading the letter ‘S’ in several different fonts, several of which havenot been seen before, contradicts what theory? ( )
  106. Which one is not the theory of pattern recognition?( )
  107. Top-down processing is primarily initiated by a hypothesis about the whole, which leads to its identification and subsequent recognition of the parts. ( )
  108. What does perceptual theory include ? ( )
  109. what's the illusory contours? ( )
  110. We now think of subliminal perception as: ( )
  111. The sensory store associated with sound is called: ( )
  112. When a stimulus is presented repeatedly until the research participant no longer responds to it, it is called: ( )
  113. Neuronal firing can be measured using: ( )
  114. Electroencephalograph (EEG) records electrical signals from the brain via electrodes placed on the: ( )
  115. Which test is described as blood flow rates in the brain are evaluated by means of radioactive tracers? ( )
  116. PET scans of experienced computer game players shows that their brains: ( )
  117. The Broca area is near the frontal lobe of the brain, and the Wernicke area is in the back of the cortex. ( )
  118. In the following four cognitive neuroscience research techniques, the most reflective of brain activity time processes is ( ).
  119. Visual neglect of the parietal lobe lesion in the left hemisphere, in the underscore test.( )
  120. The visual neglect of a patient's damaged brain area is usually on the left side of the parietal lobe. ( )
  121. The brain areas includes? ( )
  122. Cognitive psychology is the study of how we know ourselves and the world, and how we acquire knowledge, store knowledge, and express knowledge.( )
  123. Which one does not belong to the scope of cognitive psycholoty.( )
  124. What's the main dependent variable of cognitive psychology? ( )
  125. From which of the following fields have experts been studied? ( )
  126. Which of the following does not belong to the category of cognitive psychology research?( )
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