第三章 Friendship:In this unit we shall be looking at friendship. As life goes on, we keep making friends. As with any relationship, friendship brings support and joy and occasionally conflict. Why do some friendships last while others weaken and fall apart? And just what is friendship? Is it the same the whole world over? Or do people in different countries expect different things of friends? These are just a few of the questions we shall be looking for answers to in this part.3.1Opener:In our opener, we will talk about friendship with the help of some famous quotations. In each of the following pictures there is a quotation. Go through all of them and find out which one is your favorite.
3.2Reading & Interacting:To begin with, the author simply puts forward the question to be discussed and answered in the passage: Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last? By quoting his two relevant articles about friendship, the author points out the four reasons why friendship.There are also some difficult sentences explained and analyzed in this section, where the noun clauses are involved.
3.3Language Focus:On one hand in this section, the usages of prefixation are introduced in details, such as un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, dis-, mis- and de-, etc. On the other hand, two sentence patterns of when it comes to… and no matter what/where/how… are interpreted and exercised afterwards.
3.4Viewing and Listening:In the video clip, Michelle Wilson for About.com talks about how to get along with your roommates. Then fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Before you start, getting to know the words and expressions in the box might be helpful.
3.5Speaking:In this section, students are required to work in pairs with one taking the role of Michelle Wilson and the other taking the role of one of the students in the audience. The student asks Michelle questions about what he/she didn’t understand in her talk or what he/she is especially interested in, e.g. Before making the interview, watch a video clip and try to get some information and key points concerning the questions and answers.
3.6Writing:In this section, students, on one hand, are required to work individually to develop the topic sentence Friendship is often compared to a flower into a paragraph. Before they start, they should study the following tips and sample letter. At the same time, check and fix grammar mistakes for each other. While doing their writing, students will have to pay special attention to the use of tenses.On the other hand, students are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter of invitation, which is used to invite the receiver to attend an event or a place. The letter of invitation should contain the following elements: the reasons of the invitation, the contents of the invitation, such as the nature of the matter, the place and time of the event and requirements as well as wishes.
[单选题]Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to ( ) new challenges.
take on
take up
take in
take out
答案:take on
[单选题]As early as the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese began to ( ) a great deal of effort on science, technology and education.
expand[单选题]It is unfortunate that the problem of children education is often ( ).
neglected[单选题]Plants will ( ) in a fertile soil when plenty of sunshine and rain is available.
nourish[单选题]Being ( ) to the Internet, she knows a lot about e-commerce, which made her a skilled online buyer.
exposed[单选题]The constitution had ( ) everybody with rights and obligations.
indulged[单选题]This new kind of refrigerator is environment-friendly which ( ) 60 percent less electricity than traditional models.
consumes[单选题]The main road through there was blocked for three hours today after an accident ( ) two trucks.
connecting[单选题]Children often catch minor diseases, but they soon bounce ( ), so don’t be over-worried.
out[单选题]Passers-by on the street managed to ( ) the badly injured driver with first aid treatment like cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

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