第六章 AIDA模型:本单元介绍营销及广告中的AIDA模式。AIDA为attention(注意),interest(兴趣),desire(欲望),action(行动)的缩写。本单元共包括6节微课,第1节对AIDA模式作整体介绍,第2节介绍注意,第3节介绍兴趣,第4节介绍欲望,第5节介绍行动,最后一节介绍AIDA模式的实际应用。每节微课均配以知名企业的案例对概念进行阐述、分析,能够使学习者掌握该模式的要点、特点、工具及应用等知识6.1AIDA模型介绍:AIDA模型介绍
[单选题]2. To maintain customer interest, marketing messages need to ______.选项:[provide entertaining content about a product, give customers hands-on experience about a product, deliver the most important benefits of a product, introduce the detailed features of a product]
[单选题]1. According to the AIDA model, ______.选项:[marketing efforts should be tailored for different stages in the customer journey, marketing messages need to motivate customers to buy, some customers would jump over some steps to make a purchase, the number of prospective customers increases step by step]
[单选题]3. Applying the AIDA model in the planning of marketing activities is about _______.选项:[selecting a stage to focus these activities on, creating a marketing sequence, deciding on the time to put out these activities, mapping out the thoughts of consumers]
[单选题]7. Marketing activities at the desire stage aim to _______.选项:[let customers feel that they like the product, ask customers to notice particular features of the product, drive customers to develop a willingness and tendency to buy the product, persuade customers to actually buy the product]
[单选题]5. Which of the following is NOT what marketers at the attention stage should focus on?选项:[Raising customer awareness of the product, Informing customers that the company exists, Motivating customers to buy, Letting customers know that they need a product]
[单选题]4. _______ is the first step in the AIDA buyer’s journey.选项:[Action, Availability, Attention, Autonomy]
[单选题]6. Helping consumers develop interest is about _______.选项:[encouraging consumers to own the product, Inviting consumers to use their own resources to look into the offer, letting consumers know about the product, giving consumers reasons to want to research further into the company’s offer]
[单选题]10. A call to action is an instruction to the audience to _______.选项:[demonstrate the features of a product, encourage them to buy a product, prompt an immediate response, get an offer]
[单选题]9. Which is of the following is false about testimonials?选项:[Testimonials can give customers reassurance., Testimonials are insider opinions., Testimonials can be written or spoken., Testimonials are statements that recommend a product as worthy and desirable.]
[单选题]8. Which of the following is NOT a way to stimulate customer desire for a product?选项:[Persuading customers that the product would affect them positively., Answering possible objections from customers., Telling customers that the product could solve their problems., Giving customers reassurance about the effectiveness of the product.]

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