第十一章 供应链管理:本单元讲授商业环节中的供应链管理(Supply Chain Management),一共包括6节微课。第1节是供应链管理的总体介绍;第2节讲述基于时间的策略;第3节关于精益化生产;第4节是单元式制造;第5节是内部生产;第6节讲解供应链管理的应用实践。本单元首先以Walmart连锁超市为例,强调了供应链各个环节协同合作的重要性。接着让学习者了解几种不同的生产方式;又以快时尚品牌ZARA做案例,总结出该品牌强大市场优势背后的供应链管理特点,并用对比分析的方式,进一步让学习者理解ZARA 与H&M 两个品牌所用的两种不同生产类型,比如业务外包 (Outsourcing)和内部制造(In-house Manufacturing)。11.1供应链管理介绍:供应链管理介绍
[单选题]5. Which of the following description of supply chain management is true?选项:[Supply chain management emphasizes the independent operation of each unit., A very clear and effective supply chain involves collaborative work between roles and systems., Successful supply chain management may lower the efficiency of the movement and storage of materials., Supply chain management aims to minimize customer value and publicize the product.]
[单选题]4.Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy derived from the ________, focusing on eliminating waste, reducing errors, and shrinking inventory.选项:[Toyota Production System, Zara Supply Chain Management, IBM Management System, Ford Mass Production]
[单选题]3. One of the benefits of time-based strategy is ________.选项:[lowering the barriers to imitation, increasing cycle time and weakening communications, slowing growth and improving quality, reducing costs and increasing profits]
[单选题]1. Which of the following descriptions is NOT true to Zara?选项:[Cellular manufacturing helps to streamline communication and speeds up production, In-house production increases the overall flexibility., Centralized design and manufacture reduces the time to market drastically., Zara hires many other companies to produce parts of products.]
[单选题]2. As a successful case of SCM, WalMart has been developing a more highly structured and advanced supply chain management strategy by ________.选项:[making every part of the whole chain work independently, singling out management departments, developing more process links and cutting communication with suppliers, removing some of the chain’s links and establishing effective communication networks with partners]

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