第一章 SWOT分析:SWOT是一种战略分析方法,通过对被分析对象的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats)等加以综合评估与分析得出结论,通过内部资源、外部环境有机结合来清晰地确定被分析对象的资源优势和缺陷,了解对象所面临的机会和挑战,从而帮助对象把资源和行动聚集在自己的强项和有最多机会的地方,并让对象的战略变得明朗,以达到所要实现的目标。本单元详细讲授SWOT分析法,一共包括6节微课。第1节是对SWOT分析法的整体介绍;第2节介绍优势;第3节介绍劣势;第4节介绍机会;第5节是介绍威胁;第6节是对整个单元内容的总结和SWOT分析法在实际案例中的应用。该单元运用SWOT分析法对各知名企业进行细致地分析,能够让学习者掌握该方法的定义、特点和运用等相关知识。1.1SWOT介绍:SWOT分析法的定义、应用范围和示例。
[单选题]Which of the following could be a weakness for a business?

选项:[Competitors with better financial support, A developing market, Special marketing expertise, Poor quality of goods and services]
[单选题]Which of the following could be a strength for a business?选项:[Weather, A price that is too high, A new international market, The location of a business]
[单选题]Which of the following should be asked when you try to identify the strengths of your company?选项:[What do you do better than your competitors?, Which advantages does your company lack?, Which trends can negatively affect your business?, Does political climate help you develop your business?]
[单选题] A new vocational training project can be considered as a/an ______ for an employee.

选项:[weakness, strength, opportunity, threat]
[单选题]Which of the following could be a threat for a business?

选项:[Changes in technology, Location of the business, A market vacated by an incapable competitor, Lack of marketing expertise]
[单选题]Which of the following is true about weaknesses?

选项:[It’s external and helpful., It’s external and harmful., It’s internal and helpful., It’s internal and harmful.

[单选题] Which of the following could be an opportunity for a business?

选项:[Having quality processes and procedures, A new competitor in its home market, Damaged reputation, Moving into new thriving market segments]
[单选题]______ could be a threat for Simon, who has worked in the company for 30 years after graduating from high school.

选项:[His limited educational experience, His poor communication skills, A new position that matches his skills, A Possible downsizing at his company]
[单选题]Who usually conducts a SWOT Analysis for a business? 

选项:[Managers, Lawyers, Banks, Employees]
[单选题]Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?选项:[Strengths and Opportunities, Opportunities and Threats, Strengths and Weaknesses, Weaknesses and Threats]

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