  1. Feature analysis asserts that pattern recognition occurs only after stimuli have been analyzed according to their simple components. Date from neurological and behavioral experiments lend support to this hypothesis. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Constructive perception holds that people "construct" perception by actively selecting stimuli and merging sensations with memory. Direct perception holds that perception consists of the direct acquisition of information from the environment. Constructive perception uses a bottom-up strategy while direct perception uses a top-down strategy. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Priming facilitates recognition of an associate to that word without any conscious awareness of the process. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. The Bottom-up processing is initiated by the parts pf the pattern, which serve as the basis for the recognition of the whole. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Visual pattern recognition in humans involves visual analysis of input stimuli and long-term memory storage. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. Strategies that a research participant may employ in testing a hypothesis include: ( )

  12. A:simultaneous scanning B:construction focusing C:conservative focusing D:successive scanning
    答案:simultaneous scanning###successive scanning###conservative focusing
  13. Which explain the function of forgetting in STM according to Waugh and Norman's experiment of dualist model:( )

  14. A:Items are replaced by newer numbers B:STM is a capacity-limited system. C:Items could fade or decay from memory. D:Forgetting is a function of interference.
    答案:Items are replaced by newer numbers###Forgetting is a function of interference.###STM is a capacity-limited system.
  15. In terms of Human Associative Memory, the principle structure not includes ( ).

  16. A:None of the other options  B:Elipsie and nodes C:Subject and predicate D:Hierarchy and status
    答案:B: Elipsie and nodes C: Subject and predicate D: Hierarchy and status
  17. Tulving postulates two types of memory: one that encompasses "autobiographic reference" and is subject to change over time, and one permanent store consisting of memory for words, concepts, rules, and abstract ideas. These are referred to as ________ memory. ( )

  18. A:episodic B:semantic C:long-term D:short-term
  19. Language development is determined by: ( )

  20. A:environmental factors B:physiological factors C:none of the other options  D:biological factors
  21. Incorporated in the definition of mnemonics is: ( )

  22. A:remembering B:familiar associations C:storage D:coding
  23. Three principles of skilled memory are: ( )

  24. A:mnemonic encoding principle B:the retrieval structure principle C:the slow down forgetting principle D:the speedup principle
  25. Experimental work has shown that STM includes: ( )

  26. A:an auditory code B:a semantic code C:a visual code D:none of the other options
  27. The main theoretical organization on how information is coded includes: ( )

  28. A:the dual coding hypothesis B:the functional-equivalence hypothesis C:none of the other options  D:the conceptual-propositional hypothesis
  29. Among the reasons cognitive psychologists study language is because: ( )

  30. A:it is a form of abstraction B:it is related to problem solving C:it engages specific cerebral areas of the brain D:none of the other options
  31. Posner's research with delayed matching of letters indicates that STM code was: ( )

  32. A:visual B:semantic C:auditory D:visual, auditory, and semantic
  33. Which one is true of those statements about short-term memory? ( )

  34. A:The short-term memory is mainly coded by semantics. B:The short-term memory is mainly coded by visual. C:The short-term memory’s capacity is limited, and will be influenced by memory material. D:Typical release-form-PI experiments is showed that STM is mainly coded by semantics.
  35. Currently the principle controversy in imagery is between those who propose that imagery is ________and those who believe it to be ________. ( )

  36. A:visual; B:propositional C:motor D:purposeful
  37. In E. C. Tolman's (1932) experiments with rats and maze learning, he found that what rats learn is ( ).

  38. A:an internal "cognitive map," which was, in effect, the way information about their environment was represented B:a series of S-R connections C:how to better smell cheese D:how to please the researcher E:similar to behaviors in the wild
  39. Aristotle's system of reasoning is called the: ( )

  40. A:inductive method B:analogy C:syllogism D:hypothesis E:method of limits
  41. The "scheme," as defined by Piaget, is: ( )

  42. A:any object in memory B:a developmental period C:the simplest level of organization in the mental structure D:a trick E:a mental representation incorporating numerous actions
  43. Pattern recognition in humans involves: ( )

  44. A:perception B:all of the above C:STM D:LTM E:sensation
  45. Perception is influenced by: ( )

  46. A:prejudices B:previous hypotheses C:past knowledge D:sensory signals E:all of the above
  47. Contrary to Piaget, some evidence has been presented (e.g., by Spelke) for: ( )

  48. A:perceptual conceptualization at an early age B:infant daydreaming C:concatenated thinking in six-year-old children D:toilet training by age 18 months E:the concept of the cosmos, the universe, and God in very young children
  49. In general, research participants use ________ or ________ in concept formation tasks. ( )

  50. A:rote memory; guessing B:colors; shapes C:gambling; guessing D:shapes; size E:focusing; scanning
  51. When colors have sounds and words have taste, one may experiencing: ( )

  52. A:synesthesia B:poor mnemonic C:hallucinations D:amnesiac break E:synthesis
  53. The capacity of STM can be increased if stimuli are: ( )

  54. A:chunked B:meaningful geometric forms C:redundant D:presented as bits of information
  55. "In the Muller-Lyer illusion: ( )

  56. A:lines of equal length appear unequal" B:water appears to flow uphill C:faces appear warped D:two parallel lines appear to converge
  57. Recent work in word recognition has taken advantage of: ( )

  58. A:powerful personality tests B:specific blood flow observations C:standardized tests D:beta matching tasks E:new teaching training programs
  59. The ability to be mainly focused on a car and use our cell phone at the same time shows us an example of the relationship between _____________ and attention. ( )

  60. A:Attenuation B:None of the above C:Shadowing D:Automatic processing
  61. When Bartlett observed that his research participants "transformed information" he meant: ( ).

  62. A:they moved the location of the story to Cleveland B:they used more familiar words for less familiar ones C:they altered the "deep structure" of the story D:they left out important specific information E:they fabricated information to please the researcher
  63. Feature analysis suggests that pattern perception is: ( )

  64. A:starts with the examination of whole patterns B:the result of Gestalt analysis C:a result of higher order processing beginning with the identification of similar features D:not reliant on components E:derived from an artistic tradition
  65. Arrange two different reaction time assignments (tasks), One of the assignments contains a factor that is not available for another assignment, and in other aspects are all the same, from the reaction of the two assignments when to determine the difference between the corresponding processing, called this kind of research paradigm. ( )

  66. A:experiment of subtracting reaction time B:experiment of open window C:experiments in processing reactions D:scanning experiment
  67. It has been shown that diagrams or visual models in logical problem solving: ( )

  68. A:frequently lead to invalid conclusions, although the time to reach a conclusion is usually fast B:are of little assistance in problem solving C:work best with distance oriented problems D:assist even novices in arriving at a valid conclusion
  69. Which of the following models better explains the "cocktail party effect"? ( )

  70. A:The attenuation model B:All other options are correct C:The response selection model D:The filter model
  71. Support for the feature analysis argument of pattern perception can be found in the research of ________ on the visual cortex. ( )

  72. A:Solso and McCarthy B:Shepard and Metzler C:Palmer and Rosch D:Simon and Newell E:Hubel and Wiesel
  73. Which of the following is not capacity limited cognitive system ? ( )

  74. A:LTM B:STM C:Attention D:Sensation
  75. In the problem prepared by Duncker (3 boxes, matches, tacks, and candles) to make a lamp, some research participants failed because: ( )

  76. A:the tacks couldn't hold the lamp B:the matches were presented inside the box C:the research participants were drawn from a small western college D:the matches were wet E:they were not aware that matches were in the boxes
  77. There are two types of solutions or thinking strategies: ( )

  78. A:automatic and manual B:algorithms and heuristics C:automatic and controlled D:convergent and divergent E:trial-error and insight
  79. What is the type of memory that includes a specialized part of LTM and shares some features of STM? ( )

  80. A:At-Work memory B:Workbench memory C:Workhorse memory D:Working memory
  81. An unconscious trace: ( )

  82. A:is always inactive B:may lie dormant for a lifetime C:fades if left dormant D:fades if not rehearsed
  83. The reason we selectively attend is often attributed to: ( )

  84. A:visual acuity B:evolution C:the inability to process all sensory cues simultaneously D:specificity of interest
  85. George Miller wrote an influential paper on a "magical number." What is that number? ( )

  86. A:5 B:3 C:7 D:77
  87. The duration of iconic storage seems to be: ( )

  88. A:about 3 hours B:about 3-4 seconds C:about 250 milliseconds D:about 1 minute E:250 seconds
  89. Palmer suggested that under most circumstances, top-down and bottom-up processing occur: ( )

  90. A:simultaneously B:successfully C:independently D:successively E:alternately
  91. From research on selective attention, it appears that young children: ( )

  92. A:shift to relevant cues as well as older children do, but have a shorter attention span B:have no control over their attention to stimuli C:are less able to focus on relevant stimuli than older children are D:none of the above E:attend to relevant stimuli as well as older children do
  93. Which of the following is NOT true of chimeric face mentioned in this chapter? ( )

  94. A:they are used in studies with split-brain patients B:they are used in lateralization studies C:they are half man and half woman D:they are used to reveal the independence of the two hemispheres E:they are always recognized as female when flashed at high speeds
  95. Evidence for mental imagery comes from Shepard and his associates, who demonstrated that: ( )

  96. A:mental rotation of visual forms requires a decoding of signals to verbal codes, and then a recoding in visual codes B:the mental rotation of visual forms is difficult to explain in propositional terms C:mental rotation does not apply to three dimensional forms D:mental rotation doesn't work E:mental rotation is extremely time consuming
  97. When pattern recognition is conceptually driven and first initiated by the whole pattern it would be considered to be: ( )

  98. A:prototype recognition B:featural similarity C:"bottom-up" processing D:"top-down" processing E:template matching
  99. Among the early psychologists interested in problem solving were: ( )

  100. A:All psychologists B:All of the above C:Behaviorists D:Gestalt psychologists E:Psychotherapist

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