1. The room attendant should never touch the banknotes or documents on the desk when cleaning the guestroom.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. All the linen in the occupied guestroom must be replaced every day.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. The guest can leave the tray in the corridor after he/she has finished breakfast.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Tea, wine and coffee have no relation with traditional Chinese culture.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Motels are usually located in the downtown of a city. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Room service means to do service in the guestroom.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. The Room Center is a part of the Housekeeping Department.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Using courtesy at all times is not the mark of a truly professional hotelier. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Hotel staff should always try to satisfy the guest reasonable requests. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Housekeeping Department is usually the largest department in a hotel. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Concierge should protect the guest’s privacy. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. After entering the room, room-service waiter should greet the guest by name.( )
  24. Some hotels accept guests 'personal checks.( )
  25. As a receptionist in a hotel you should be efficient and professional( )
  26. An American breakfast includes milk and bread only.( )
  27. Coca-cola and soda water are soft drinks. ( )
  28. Room service means to do service in the guestroom.
  29. The term “白酒” in Chinese is the same as the “ white wine” in English.( )
  30. The room-service waiter will call the guest to offer more help.( )
  31. When the telephone rings, the operator should answer it right away.( )
  32. When you ask guests' opinion, you can say:( )
  33. Choose the expressions used for asking for directions.( )
  34. The facilities used in Recreational Service are( ).
  35. As an operator, you should ( )。
  36. Which are bad topics for small talk with guests?( )
  37. What are traditional drinks?( )
  38. Which can be ordered in a restaurant of a hotel?( )
  39. A Suite Room usually comprises of three parts. What are they?( )
  40. What are the golden rules of customer service?( )
  41. What aminities can you see in the room?
  42. The laundry department is responsible for ( ) Department.
  43. A: May I have your name, sir? B:____________
  44. What does "sunny-side-up" mean?( )
  45. The guest says help me with my luggage.
  46. 菜系( )
  47. You are busy on the phone. Two other receptionists are looking after other guests. A newly arrived guest comes to the front desk. How should you do then?( )
  48. Good morning. ( ) I help you?
  49. Excuse me, sir. You need to _________ the form.
  50. 取得联系
  51. The word “cuisine” means( ).
  52. Chinese people think long noodles symbolize ( ).
  53. Match "en suite" with one of the following wordsto make hotel facility
  54. If you've never been to this city, you should take a look at our( ).
  55. which one is to introduce room facilities?
  56. Finally the reservationist said that she looked forward ( ) me at the hotel?
  57. The word “reservation”equals to ( ).
  58. Soft drink is also called ( ) drink.
  59. Let me ( ) you with your luggage.
  60. A: Exceuse me, how can I get to the station? B:_________________________
  61. When greeting a guest:
  62. Do you want to pay in cash or ( ) credit card.
  63. A Chinese banquet usually starts with ( ).
  64. We are looking forward to ( ) you.
  65. I would like to reserve a presidential ( ) for one night.
  66. I'd like this sweater washed by hand in cold water. It might ( ) otherwise.
  67. Hotel laundry service mainly include two parts: collecting laundry and ( ) laundry.
  68. I'm afraid we are fully booked __________ the 5th.
  69. It’s common to ask for( ) when the guests check in.
  70. A: Thanks for your help. B:________________
  71. Room Service is responsible for the department of ( ).
  72. I’m going to complain to the manager about this.( )
  73. The word “miscalculation” refers to( ).
  74. I do apologize. There must be a mistake. ( )
  75. I’m sorry you have been inconvenienced. ( )
  76. Thank you for bringing the matter to us. ( )
  77. Report the complaint to a superior if you can’t settle it.( )
  78. The downstairs neighbors were ( ) by the sound of footsteps on the bare floor.
  79. The guest seems angry with me. I ( ) something wrong.
  80. Dealing with the complaints should listen attentively with concern and sympathy first.( )
  81. With good training and plenty of practical experience,everybody can master the skills of being nice to guests.( )
  82. There is no time ( ) for your use.
  83. It’s ( ) from 6:00am to 11:00pm.
  84. In most hotels, gym is a necessary section. ( )
  85. SPA is a kind of recreation service. ( )
  86. Only the resident guests can use the gym in a hotel. ( )
  87. After you exercise, you can take a( ) here.
  88. Just ( )your room card to the attendant.
  89. We should do some aerobic exercise to keep fit. ( )
  90. We provide mineral water here, free ( ) charge.
  91. How ( ) can I use the gym in a day?
  92. Housekeeping Department should provide repair and maintenance service. ( )
  93. I’ll tell the Maintenance Department to repair them ( )?
  94. I’m sorry ( ) the inconvenience.
  95. I apologize to you for the inconvenience ( ).
  96. Housekeeping department shouldn’t apologize to the customer for the inconvenience as well. ( )
  97. Thank you for ( )the problems to our attention.
  98. There’s something wrong ( ) the toilet
  99. The repairman will come to your room ( ) five minutes.
  100. Would you please ( )me your room number?
  101. Hotel repair and maintenance is the upkeep of the various systems and components used in the hospitality industry. ( )
  102. If there is some emergencies, we should call the police first. ( )
  103. Anything( ) I can do for you?
  104. I’m sorry to ( ) that.
  105. I’ll send them to your room( ).
  106. What( )of service do you require?
  107. We should try our best to meet the guests’ need in a hotel. ( )
  108. I’ll ( ) right back.
  109. It will be our ( ) to offer services to you.
  110. Butler service is offered by Housekeeping Department. ( )
  111. In most hotels, shoe shining service is offered by F & B Department. ( )
  112. Would you fill in the laundry list? ( )
  113. I'll send someone up in ten minutes to ( ) your laundry, madam.
  114. How would you like it washed? ( )
  115. When delivering laundry, first you should say ( ).
  116. How long does it take to have the laundry done?( )
  117. Did you put it in the laundry bag?( )
  118. Laundry service is ( ) from Monday to Friday.
  119. Did you ( ) in the laundry list?
  120. What's the Chinese meaning of "express laundry service"?( )
  121. You can find the laundry list in the( ).
  122. When we see the( ) sign, we’ll clean your room as soon as possible.
  123. What does "pillow" mean? ( )
  124. Which expression means “干净的住房”? ( )
  125. Which expression means “烟灰缸”? ( )
  126. What does "refrigerator" mean?( )
  127. What does "Room Attendant" mean? ( )
  128. Which expression means “请勿打扰房”?( )
  129. Which expression means “电热水壶”?( )
  130. What does “aperitif”mean in Chinese?( )
  131. What does the sentence “I’m not really a drinker.”mean?( )
  132. What does “brand”mean in Chinese?( )
  133. What is the meaning of “Keep the change” in Chinese?( )
  134. We don't have any ( ) beer. We only have bottled and canned beer.
  135. Whiskey sour is a kind of ( ).
  136. I prefer bottled beer ( ) draught.
  137. How to say“$1.50”in English?( )
  138. What is the English expression for “调酒”?( )
  139. Do you have any preferences( ) the whiskey?
  140. How may I ( ) you?
  141. Nowadays people can just make their banquet reservation offline. ( )
  142. The different types of banquet setup include Classroom Style Setup、U Shaped Setup、Theatre Style Setup、Fishbone Style Setup、Banquet Round Style、Hollow Square Setup. ( )
  143. ( ) forward to your coming?
  144. We'll ( ) the booking for now?
  145. We will serve( ) you need?
  146. Could you also ( ) this form and sign your name here?
  147. Do you have a banquet hall( ) ?
  148. Banquet Service should serve whatever the customer need. ( )
  149. Sorry to have kept you ( ), madam.
  150. What is the meaning of "setting the table" in Chinese?( )
  151. Would you please sign your name ( ) the bill, please?
  152. What does "wine list" mean in Chinese? ( )
  153. Which of the following expression means “便饭” ? ( )
  154. Would you like something ( ), sir?
  155. Which of the following is right for Room Service?( )
  156. What does the sentence "We are always at your service." mean in Chinese? ( )
  157. What is the name of the form that can be used to take orders of food and beverage in guest rooms? ( )
  158. If you need anything else, please ( ) 6 for room service.
  159. What does "Continental breakfast" mean in Chinese?( )
  160. Address guest name is not necessary all the time. ( )
  161. Chinese people eat ( ) fruit and vegetables than westerners.
  162. Shanghai food is a bit ( ).
  163. Smoking in public area is strongly prohibited in China. ( )
  164. Chinese people having noodles on birthday means to have a longer life. ( )
  165. Which is a typical Sichuan dish? ( )
  166. This dish is very popular ( ) our guests.
  167. Which is a typical Shandong dish? ( )
  168. If the plates are hot, warn your customers not to burn themselves. ( )
  169. Which is a typical Guangdong dish? ( )
  170. Welcome to our buffet restaurant. May I have your ( )?
  171. When taking orders, speak with a clear and confident tone. ( )
  172. How would you like your tuna done, ( ), medium or well done?
  173. Cereal is a must in an English full breakfast. ( )
  174. When you are not busy, you should approach to guest with smile. ( )
  175. I suggest you have a ( ) of Select Aperitivo.
  176. Please be ( ) and enjoy your meal.
  177. The pork dish should be remarked on menu. ( )
  178. ( ) is the menu. Please take your time.
  179. I’d like to have dinner ( ).
  180. We use a ( ) clock.
  181. ( ) what time?
  182. Wake-up call service can only be offered by knocking at the door. ( )
  183. In most hotels, wake-up call service is offered by F & B Department. ( )
  184. 24-hour clock is used in many hotels. ( )
  185. May I be ( ) help to you?
  186. Have a good ( ).
  187. I’m sorry to have kept you ( ).
  188. Would you like to ( ) a message?
  189. Wake-up call service can be offered by an alarm clock, operator or knock at the door. ( )
  190. What's the meaning of "tap water"?( )
  191. What should you say when you can't understand the guests?( )
  192. What should concierges say when guests ask "Where can I exercise or run?" ( )
  193. What should concierges say when guests enter the hotel?( )
  194. Let's take the ( ) up to the 11th floor.
  195. I'll show you to the Front Desk. ( ), please.
  196. I’ll put your suitcase here on the ( ).
  197. When the concierge answers the phone, he should say “( )”.
  198. Whose job is to welcome guests at the hotel entrance? ( )
  199. How many ( ) of luggage do you want to keep in here, Sir?
  200. It's the( ) season of the year. All the other rooms have been booked.
  201. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to ask us. ( )
  202. Hope you enjoy your stay ( ) us.
  203. ( ) is between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
  204. Because you are our VIP, we can give you 70% ( ).
  205. Which of the following is the service that the Front Desk offers ?( )
  206. 大床房( )
  207. The word “deposit” in our book refers to( ).
  208. Let me check if there is a room ( ).
  209. What is the exchange ( ) today?
  210. What ( )of room do you prefer?
  211. A qualified reservationist should possess a personality of patience, master good English, be quick-minded and warm-hearted. ( )
  212. Nowadays people use e-mail instead of Internet to make their reservation. ( )
  213. Let me ( )the details with you.
  214. How much do you ( ) a standard room?
  215. What is the room ( ) ?
  216. In most hotels, Reservations is a part of the Front Desk. ( )
  217. It is not so complicated to be a reservationist. ( )
  218. Most five star hotels offer highest level of personalized service, such as a wake-up call service, concierge service, room service, turn-down service, laundry service etc. ( )
  219. When a guest comes to stay in a hotel, he should go to the concierge to do the check-in. ( )
  220. The hotel industry is one of the most important components of the( ).
  221. A hotel is an establishment that provides ( ) paid on a short-term basis.
  222. ( )is a service provided in a hotel, by which guests can order food and drink to be brought to their rooms.
  223. The ( ) of a hotel is not only its “shop window” but also its “nerve center”.
  224. A(An) ( ) hotel is a hotel located at or near the airport for passengers of transit flights.
  225. A walk-in guest is a customer who comes on foot. ( )
  226. The Food and Beverage Department constitutes the second largest revenue generator of a typical hotel. ( )
  227. Hotels are classified according to the hotel size, target markets, level of service, facilities provided and number of rooms etc. ( )
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