第十章 US Geography and Demography:通过介绍美国地理特征,气候特点,自然资源,人口多样性,以及美国的象征,帮助学生了解美国多元的文化,搞清楚,弄明白为什么美国能够发展为当今世界的头号强国,它具有哪些得天独厚的自然优势和后天的文化多元和文化杂糅。10.1Geographic Features of the United States:本节分“东部高地”“西部山地”“中部平原”三部分,重点介绍美国大陆地区的地理特征,并简要介绍阿拉斯加和夏威夷两个州的地理特征。
10.2Climates of the United States:本节重点介绍美国大陆地区的气候带,并简要介绍飓风、龙卷风等极端天气。
10.3Natural Resources of the United States:本节主要介绍美国水资源、森林和木材资源、矿产和金属资源。
10.4Population Diversity of the United States:本节主要从民族、语言、宗教信仰、社会阶层,介绍了美国人口的多样性,美国“Melting Pot”的由来。
10.5Symbols of the United States:重点介绍美国国旗、美国国歌、美国国徽、山姆大叔、自由女神像等美国象征的由来,及其象征意义。另外,本节亦对美国国家格言、美国国花、美国国鸟和美国国家动物做了简要介绍。
[单选题]________ leads the United States in annual growth of commercial trees.
 The State of Nevada
 The State of Washington
 The State of Utah
 The State of New Mexico
答案:The State of Washington
[判断题]Hawaii is situated in the central Atlantic Ocean.

[判断题]Mount Whitney (4 418m) is the highest peak in the United States.

[单选题]The United States is the ________ largest country in the world in terms of land area.
 fifth[单选题]The famous Niagara Falls are located on the US-Canadian border ________.
 between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron
 between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario
 between Lake Superior and Lake Michigan
 between Lake Huron and Lake Erie[单选题]Southern Florida has a/an ________ climate.
 temperate[判断题]The climate of the northern part of the Pacific Coast in the United States is similar to that of England.

[判断题]Today, the United States imports more oil and natural gas than it exports.

[单选题]Hispanics in the US speak ________.
 English[判断题]Thirteen stripes on the national flag of the United States represent the original thirteen colonies that declared independence from England.

[单选题]The personification of the United States is ________.
 American bison
 bald eagle
 Uncle Sam
 John Bull[判断题]The Statue of Liberty was a gift presented to the United States by the United Kingdom.

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