第十五章 US Economy:本章以美国经济为主线,分别介绍了美国经济发展的三个阶段、美国工业、农业、交通和对外贸易。15.1Three Stages of American Economic Development:美国经济的发展经历了商业资本主义、工业资本主义和公司资本主义或帝国主义三个阶段,美国公司的发展始于19世纪70年代,为了保证经济的持续增长,大型垄断企业必须开发更广泛的国际资源和市场。
15.2American Industry:美国重要产业分布在三个工业区:东北工业区,南部和西部。东北地区是美国最古老和最重要的工业区。南部现在已经成为美国最新发展的工业区。西部是一个重要的矿区。
15.3American Agriculture:美国大约五分之一的土地是耕种的。美国农业是高度机械化和大规模经营的。许多农民愿意采用新技术已成为美国农业的强项之一。但作物过剩和低价格使许多农民很难耕种与此同时,一些州和联邦政府官员一直保持警惕,呼吁公众保护这些资源。
15.4American Transportation:美国经济在很大程度上依赖公路运输来运送人和货物。飞机为美国人提供了最快的旅行方式。铁路对运送货物仍然很重要。内陆水路对美国的运输也非常重要。
15.5American Foreign Trade & Economic Interests Abroad:美国的产品出口到世界上的大多数国家。美国也是一个进口大国。自20世纪70年代以来,美国的贸易一直处于不利的平衡状态。因此,美国政府在20世纪70年代开始推行贸易保护主义政策,试图鼓励它第二次世界大战结束以来,美国在世界资本主义经济中发挥了主导作用。
[判断题]The three stages that the American economy has experienced in its development are commercial capitalism, industrial capitalism and corporate capitalism.

[判断题]Now the United States economy is dominated by enormous, diversified, multinational monopolistic corporations.

[单选题]In the ________ stage American economy developed rapidly.
 corporate capitalism
 industrial capitalism
 commercial capitalism
 colonial stage[单选题]The South of the US has now become ________ developed industrial region.
 the most rapidly
 the oldest
 the well
 the newly[单选题]Canned fish and lumber are the chief manufactured products of ________.
 New Mexico
 Hawaii[多选题]________ are all in the Corn Belt.
 The State of Ohio
 The State of Iowa
 The State of Illinois
 The State of Arizona[判断题]The stock raising areas of the United States are scattered in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes, in the Corn Belt and on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Range.

[判断题]In the United States, railways are still important for carrying passengers and are still operated by commercial companies.

[判断题]The automobile is the most popular means of transportation in the United States.

[判断题]China, Japan and Canada were the top three import partners of the United States.

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