第九章 Masonry Structures:Masonry Structures9.1tombs:tombs
[单选题]The earliest bridges in China is made of stone.

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[单选题]拱桥的英文翻译:spandrel bridge

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[单选题]Bridge design became standardized in the Ming dynasty.

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[单选题]The earliest bridges in China were pontoon bridges used for crossing wide rivers.

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[单选题]It was not until the 3rd century A. D., that the first arched bridge was recorded in literature.

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[单选题]The oldest arched bridge in China today is the An-chi Ch ‘ iao

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[单选题]the An-chi Ch ‘ iao was bulit in Tang dynasty.

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[单选题]The principal arch of An-chi bridg is composed of twenty -nine separate strings of arches

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[单选题]the Little Stone Bridge was built by Lichun.

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[单选题]the Lu-kou Ch’ iao was bulit in Song dynasty.

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