第三章 高等学习技能(高级)tertiary study skills:这个模块的目的是通过为学生设计体验式学习,帮助学生发展知识,技能和态度,使学生为成功的,独立的成人学习者The aim of this module is to provide you with experiences that will enable you to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will empower you to become successful, independent adult learners.• 成人学习者的特征Attributes of an adult learner• 学习风格Learning styles• 学习策略包括但不限于Learning strategies including but not limited to:o 记忆技巧:助记、首字母缩略词、固定、颜色、位置、动作、无意义的押韵、节奏等。Memory techniques: mnemonics, acronyms, pegging, colour, position, action, nonsense rhymes, rhythms etc.o 阅读策略:识别目的、思维导图、预读、SQ3R、略读和扫描、眼展练习、提问、回忆、总结reading strategies: identifying purpose, mind-mapping, pre-reading, SQ3R, skimming and scanning, eye span exercises, questioning, recall, summarisingo 思维策略:意识、直觉、选择、处理、连接、评估、应用thinking strategies: awareness, intuition, selecting, processing, linking, evaluating, applicationo 听/说策略:主动倾听,肢体语言,语调,用词,询问理解,开放和封闭的问题,表达意见listening/speaking strategies: active listening, body language, tone, words, questioning for understanding, open and closed questions, voicing opinionso 写作策略:理解问题,明确目的,关键词,策划,头脑风暴,编辑策略writing strategies: understanding the question, identifying the purpose, key words, planning, brainstorming, editing strategies• 性格类型Personality types • 个人目标设定Personal goal setting• 个人学习活动评估Evaluation of personal learning activities• 个人学习经历的书面反思Written reflections on personal learning experiences• 制定收集或查找信息的计划Planning to gather/find information• 书面研究报告Written research report• 评估信息收集过程Evaluating the information gathering process• 在准备作业时使用基本的学习技巧Demonstrate the use of basic study skills in the preparation of assignments• 读写技能Basic literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening• 简洁写作Writing concisely• 建立关联:通过排序链接想法Linking of ideas through sequencing• 科学能力:基本计算技能Basic computing skills3.1学习策略learning strategies:为不同的学习方式确定学习策略Identify learning strategies for various learning styles制定一系列的学习策略Develop a range of learning strategies设定个人目标,以保持学习者的积极性Set personal goals that will keep the learner motivated了解如何搭建学习环境促成个人卓越学习Understand how to establish a climate for personal learning excellence
3.2信息处理information:区分事实、观点和假设Differentiate between fact, opinion and assumption确定收集信息的方法Identify methods of collecting information从口头、书面和视觉来源收集和记录信息Collect and record information from oral, written and visual sources13.将研究过程按时间顺序记录下来Keep a chronological log of the research process简要说明收集材料的相关性Briefly explain the relevance of collected material展示基本听说读写能力Demonstrate basic literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening
3.3反思reflection:反思和评估个人学习经历Reflect on and evaluate personal learning experiences定期写课堂学习体验Write regular responses to classroom learning experiences计划研究过程Plan the research process
[多选题]非语言沟通层面有:Non-Verbal Communication()选项:[Stance, Eye contact, Hands, Pauses]
[多选题]关于积极倾听,需要做到以下几点:Tutors will be observing you and looking for indications of:()选项:[Active involvement by using constructive questions, answering questions, and inviting the opinions and contributions of others., eye contact, the use of body language for example nodding or shaking the head, leaning towards the speaker, appropriate interjections or questions, verbal acknowledgement through follow-up questions, feedback, agreement or disagreement, clear and coherent responses]
[多选题]关于倾听中的障碍,有哪些?()选项:[Lack of Interest:, Failing to see listening as work:, Physical discomfort:, Distractions, Thought speed:]
[多选题]关于专注力的表述,正确的有Failing to see listening as work: ()选项:[Your attitude may affect your ability to listen., Active listening needs your full concentration., It is hard work. Active listening can be affected consciously or unconsciously by prejudice of various kinds.]
[多选题]关于停顿和声调的描述Pitch and tone()选项:[Raise and lower the pitch of your voice (naturally!) to make your voice interesting. 提高和降低你的声音的音调(自然!)使你的声音有趣。, Add expression to add emotions e.g. sincerity, disbelief, happiness, disappointment. 增加表达来增加情绪,例如真诚、怀疑、幸福、失望。, If you speak like a robot, in the same boring tone, chances are that your audience will soon stop listening. 如果你用同样无聊的语调像机器人一样说话,你的听众很可能很快就会停止倾听。]

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