
学习有道Learning to learn

  1. 下列不能通过什么专业的学习进入生产和技术类的工作的是()

  2. A:电力 B:计算机 C:管理 D:科技
  3. 马斯洛需求理论层次是指生理的需要,安全的需要,(),尊重的需要,自我实现的需要。

  4. A:归属和爱的需要 B:爱的需要 C:归属的需要 D:金钱的需要
  5. 下列属于沟通中情感障碍的有:()

  6. A:Feeling strong emotions B:Fear of failure C:Differing power relationships
    答案:Feeling strong emotions
  7. 通过最初的过程来解决由()所产生的紧张感,这个过程涉及到对所需要的对象形成一种心理意象,作为满足需求的一种方式。

  8. A:失落原则 B:激动原则 C:快乐原则 D:无所谓原则
  9. 犹太企业家和中国企业家相比,没有的特性是()

  10. A:犹太企业家更灵活 B:犹太企业家能站在多元和全球化的视角看待问题 C:犹太企业家贪图急功近利 D:犹太企业家喜欢成功
  11. 以下那个不是态度影响的因素?()

  12. A:同伴压力 B:心情 C:政治正确性 D:便利性
  13. 准备演讲稿结尾部分要注意的问题有:()

  14. A:A summary of your key details for each main point B:Thanking your audience C:Concluding your presentation
    答案:Asummary of your key details for each main point;Concluding your presentation;Thanking your audience
  15. 非语言沟通层面有:Non-Verbal Communication()

  16. A:Eye contact B:Pauses C:Stance D:Hands
    答案:Eye contact;Hands;Stance;Pauses
  17. 关于停顿和声调的描述Pitch and tone()

  18. A:Add expression to add emotions e.g. sincerity, disbelief, happiness, disappointment. 增加表达来增加情绪,例如真诚、怀疑、幸福、失望。 B:Raise and lower the pitch of your voice (naturally!) to make your voice interesting. 提高和降低你的声音的音调(自然!)使你的声音有趣。 C:If you speak like a robot, in the same boring tone, chances are that your audience will soon stop listening. 如果你用同样无聊的语调像机器人一样说话,你的听众很可能很快就会停止倾听。

  19. 演讲前准备什么?()

  20. A:Write your speech out in full and read it several times. This will give you confidence because you know the content. B:Be confident. You know more about the topic than anybody else in the room so be proud of what you can know. C:Practice your performance before the real thing. Practice with your visual aids so that you know that you are 100% prepared. D:You will feel more confident and less nervous if you are well prepared. Do your research. Don’t ‘wing it’. E:Plan carefully with your team and research your main ideas. Ask your team members for help if you need to.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:You will feel more confident and less nervous if you are well prepared. Do your research. Don’t ‘wing it’.在演讲前需要做好充分的准备,这有助于提升自信和减轻紧张感,并且要进行充分的调查研究,而不是临时抱佛脚。因此,选项D“如果你充分准备,你会更有信心,紧张感也会减轻。做好研究,不要临场发挥”是正确的建议。其他选项虽然提到了准备演讲的部分内容,但并没有全面涵盖演讲前的准备工作。'
  21. 管理冲突的价值和需求层面,描述正确的是()

  22. A:It is difficult to agree with others if our values are widely different. This covers such values as religion, ethics and politics. B:Taking the time to understand others’ values and to listen to their needs is an excellent beginning to resolve conflict. Look for shared meaning. C:Often cross cultural conflict is unresolved because the two sides just do not understand one another.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Taking the time to understand others’ values and to listen to their needs is an excellent beginning to resolve conflict. Look for shared meaning.选项A描述的是价值观差异导致难以与他人达成共识,这涵盖了宗教、道德和政治等价值观。但是,它并没有直接关联到管理冲突的价值和需求层面。选项C描述的是跨文化冲突往往由于双方无法理解对方而无法解决,但这也并没有直接说明如何解决冲突。选项B指出,花时间理解他人的价值观并倾听他们的需求是解决冲突的绝佳开端,寻找共同的意义。这强调了理解他人和寻找共同点在解决冲突中的重要性,这与管理冲突的价值和需求层面相符合。因此,选项B是描述管理冲突的价值和需求层面的正确选项。'
  23. 关于积极倾听,需要做到以下几点:Tutors will be observing you and looking for indications of:()

  24. A:Active involvement by using constructive questions, answering questions, and inviting the opinions and contributions of others. B:appropriate interjections or questions C:verbal acknowledgement through follow-up questions, feedback, agreement or disagreement D:the use of body language for example nodding or shaking the head, leaning towards the speaker E:eye contact F:clear and coherent responses

  25. 处理冲突的类型,以心里面的动物为比喻,有哪几类?()

  26. A:Turtle B:Teddy bear C:Fox D:Owl E:Shark

  27. 克服演讲紧张的技巧有:To help overcome nerves try the following tips:()

  28. A:Tip Three: Using technology for visual aids B:Tip One: Be well prepared C:Tip Two: Don’t let on D:Tip Four: Intimidating audiences

  29. 为了让演讲更加留给人深刻印象,有体现技术,更加激发思想,我们的演讲必须做到: Aim to make your speech memorable, skillful and thought provoking.
    You speech will need to be structured in the following way:()

  30. A:A brief introduction B:A brief conclusion C:3 - 5 key points in the body of your speech
  31. 准备演讲稿第二部分要注意的问题:()

  32. A:Create a bullet pointed list of the key details you will include for this main point B:You will need details to expand on this main idea. Copy and paste details you want to include from your research log. C:You must include a good balance of facts (comments, details, information), opinion and reflection. D:This list must develop your main point by using explanations and examples.

  33. 演讲的开头部分要思考的关键点Introduction()

  34. A:How will you greet and engage your audience? B:How will you introduce the topic have chosen? C:How will you outline what your presentation will cover?
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:How will you introduce the topic have chosen?】。演讲的开头部分通常需要吸引听众的注意力,因此需要考虑如何介绍演讲的主题。关键点之一是明确主题是什么,然后据此来设计开场部分,这样可以使听众更加聚焦于演讲的内容。选项B正是这一关键点的体现,因为它描述了如何介绍所选择的主题。选项A和C虽然也涉及开场部分的设计,但它们并没有直接回答如何介绍主题的问题。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  35. 会议启动阶段,召开会议,可以讨论和做的事情有:()

  36. A:What will you need to find out? 需要解答的问题Write a list of inquiry questions. B:What will you need to do?Brainstorm all the tasks you will need to do to complete the project.需要完成的任务 C:What are you doing? Discuss with your group what you are doing. Write a clear description of your project.项目基本情况描述

  37. 如何参与“进入”积极倾听中去,以下策略,请选择:There are five key elements of active listening. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they are saying. ()

  38. A:Pay attention. 注意 B:Defer judgment. 推迟的判断。 C:Show that you are listening. 表现出你在倾听 D:Respond Appropriately.恰当回应 E:Show that you are listening. 表现出你在倾听。
    AI参考:正确选项是【BE】。原文中提到“Show that you are listening.”,意思是表现出你在倾听,这是一个积极的倾听策略,可以表达出对对方的尊重和关注。同时,原文中也提到了“Defer judgment.”,意思是推迟判断,这也可以避免在倾听过程中过早地做出判断,从而更好地理解对方的意思。因此,选项B和E是正确的。选项A、C、D虽然也是积极的倾听策略,但并不是原文中提到的五个关键元素之一。'
  39. 关于团队成员不同的文化价值观,需要了解问题有Differing cultural values of team members.()

  40. A:What is the cultural background of each team member? 每个团队成员的文化背景是什么? B:What are the cultural values that each team member brings to the group regarding public speaking? 关于公开演讲,每个团队成员带给团队的文化价值是什么? C:How will you acknowledge these differing cultural values in your presentations? 你将如何在你的演讲中承认这些不同的文化价值?

  41. 关于高效沟通的表述,正确的有:()

  42. A:The result is shared meaning about the message and the relationship between the people involved B:In the process we encode and decode messages which are transmitted through channels, in a context, and filtered by perception C:Your challenge is to create a model which illustrates this theory of effective communication D:In order to achieve effective communication we must work together to construct shared meaning
    AI参考:关于高效沟通的表述,正确的有:因为您只提供了选项,没有提供具体的表述,所以无法直接判断选项的正误。但是,根据您所描述的内容,可以推断出以下正确的表述:D:In order to achieve effective communication we must work together to construct shared meaning。这句话的意思是我们需要共同努力来构建共享的意义,以达到有效的沟通。因此,关于高效沟通的表述,正确的选项是D。其他选项中:A:The result is shared meaning about the message and the relationship between the people involved(正确的含义应该是结果就是参与者之间关于信息及相互关系的共同理解)。B:In the process we encode and decode messages which are transmitted through channels, in a context, and filtered by perception(这段话的含义是在这个过程中,我们通过渠道传递信息,并受感知过滤)。C:Your challenge is to create a model which illustrates this theory of effective communication(这句话的含义是你的挑战是创建一个模型来展示有效沟通的理论)。以上内容仅供参考,如需更具体的信息,可以查阅相关的书籍或咨询专业人士。'
  43. 关于 清晰发音的描述:Articulation,This is saying words clearly and distinctly.()

  44. A:Practise by saying difficult combinations of words. B:Also learn how to say unfamiliar words correctly. C:Saying words clearly and correctly makes it much easier for your audience to hear you.
  45. 演讲正文的目的是真正要说的内容,主要步骤:The Body of your Speech: What do you want to say?()

  46. A:Find/read some useful books, articles, brochures, etc. to get a feel for the sub-topic. 找/读一些有用的书、文章、小册子等来感受一下这个子主题。 B:Research your Main ideas thoroughly. 彻底研究你的主要观点。 C:From your readings you need to develop ‘Main ideas’. The Main ideas could also be questions that you will research. Record your Main ideas or research questions on your Individual Approval Form. 从你的阅读中,你需要发展“主要思想”。主要观点也可能是你要研究的问题。将你的主要观点或研究问题记录在你的个人批准表格上。 D:Write the body of your speech. The main ideas need to be separate (in separate paragraphs) in your speech but they do need to be linked i.e. one main idea needs to be linked to the next. 写出你演讲的主体。在你的演讲中,主要思想需要分开(在不同的段落中),但它们确实需要联系在一起,也就是说,一个主要思想需要和下一个联系在一起。
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:Write the body of your speech. The main ideas need to be separate (in separate paragraphs) in your speech but they do need to be linked i.e. one main idea needs to be linked to the next. 写出你演讲的主体。在你的演讲中,主要思想需要分开(在不同的段落中),但它们确实需要联系在一起,也就是说,一个主要思想需要和下一个联系在一起。演讲正文的目的是真正要说的内容,主要步骤包括:找到一些有用的书、文章、小册子等来感受一下这个子主题(A选项),彻底研究你的主要观点(B选项),从你的阅读中,你需要发展“主要思想”。主要思想也可以是你将进行研究的主题(C选项)。而D选项是正确的,演讲正文的主要步骤还包括写出演讲的主体,主要思想需要分开(在不同的段落中),但它们确实需要联系在一起,也就是说一个主要思想需要和下一个联系在一起。这样可以使演讲内容更有逻辑性和连贯性。'
  47. 高效团队特点有
    An effective team will: ()

  48. A:have established guidelines for running meetings. B:share the workload C:get tasks done on time D:Sort out conflict before it becomes a problem E:respect each other’s points of view F:keep each other up-to-date with what is happening G:Work towards the same goals H:be able to communicate effectively

  49. 关于沟通中的噪音表述正确的是:()

  50. A:Noise may include physical, psychological, emotional or linguistic barriers. B:Noise (also called interference or barriers) interrupts the process and confuses the message being carried. C:Noise is any kind of interference that interrupts or prevents the successful transmission of the message

  51. 关于四种团队角色的名字和表述正确的是:()

  52. A:Thinker producing carefully considered ideas, and weighing up and improving ideas from other people B:Doer urging the team to get on with the task at hand C:Leader making sure that the objectives are clear and agreed, and that everyone is involved and committed D:Carer easing tensions and maintaining harmonious working relationships

  53. 准备演讲稿开头部分要注意的问题有:outline of your entire presentation. Create a detailed plan with the following headings and details:()

  54. A:Topic statement B:Attention grabbing opening C:Outline of main points

  55. 演讲中面部表情表述正确有Facial expression()

  56. A:Look like you are interested in your topic. 看起来你对你的主题很感兴趣。 B:Connect with them further by looking at them from time to time. 通过不时地看他们,与他们进一步联系。 C:If you are not interested in what you are saying your audience will not be either. 如果你对你说的话不感兴趣,你的听众也不会感兴趣。
    AI参考:正确选项是A:Look like you are interested in your topic. 看起来你对你的主题很感兴趣。在演讲中,面部表情应该表达出演讲者对演讲主题的热情和兴趣,这样才能吸引听众的注意力,让他们更好地理解和参与。选项B和C虽然也涉及到面部表情,但与演讲的主题和目的不符。因此,正确答案是A:Look like you are interested in your topic. 看起来你对你的主题很感兴趣。'
  57. 结交真心朋友有一个前提就是帮助我们建立正确的价值观、道德观。()

  58. A:错 B:对

  59. 动机被认为是畜促使一个人行动的冲动,但是有一个内在的过程是一个人朝着一个目标前进那就是动力。()

  60. A:对 B:错

  61. 关于演讲中语言特点的术语和定义描述,请判断对错()
    HYPERBOLE: The deliberate use of exaggeration.

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. 关于避开干扰,判断对错()Avoid distractions:
    Seat yourself near the speaker.
    Don’t sit with people you know will distract you.
    Turn off your phone.

  64. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。原文中提到“Don’t sit with people you know will distract you”,即不要和会干扰你的人坐在一起,而选项A中的“Seat yourself near the speaker”表示坐在发言人附近,有助于集中注意力,因此不符合原文意思。因此,该句的正确答案是B:错。'
  65. 可以同时使用大脑的两边,但倾向于使用一边工作,这称为大脑支配。()

  66. A:错 B:对

  67. 自我概念的基础是社会文化。()

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. 关于演讲中语言特点的术语和定义描述,请判断对错()
    RHETORICAL QUESTIONS:A sking a question for effect, not expecting or requiring an answer.

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. 关于演讲中语言特点的术语和定义描述,请判断对错()
    CLICHÉ: A commonplace saying that is used frequently

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. 关于演讲中语言特点的术语和定义描述,请判断对错()
    METAPHOR:Comparing two things, saying that one thing is another.

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. 关于演讲中语言特点的术语和定义描述,请判断对错()
    REPETITION:Saying the same words or phrases more than once for effect.

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. 使用理性思维对事实进行清晰、理性的评估,可以弥补消极思维对自信造成的伤害。()

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. 关于使用积极的身体语言,判断对错()Use positive body language:
    Sit up;
    don’t lie on the desk
    . Lean forward,
    look awake.

  80. A:对 B:错

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