第一章 个人与专业发展(初级)personal & professional development:该模块的目的是向你们介绍在大学阶段自我管理和个人发展所需的知识、技能和态度。我为大家设计了不同的主题,其中还特意安排了实际应用部分,旨在指引你们提前选择职业领域,并以此为目标做出阶段性学习计划。The aim of the module is to provide students with an introduction to the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to support them in self-management and personal development at tertiary level. This module also provides students with the opportunity to explore possible pathways through a special topic that will prepare them for further study in their chosen field at certificate level.知识点Content: • 自尊Self-esteem• 自我管理Self-management • 感知Perception • 自我意识Self-awareness• 态度Attitudes• 自信Assertiveness• 左脑,右脑主导Left brain, right brain dominance• 批判性思维Critical thinking Skills• 时间管理Time Management• 压力管理Stress Management• 自我发展Self-development• 职业规划Career planning• 汇报学习进展Reporting on new learning1.1重识自我intrapersonal communication:确定自我沟通的层面Identify aspects of intrapersonal communication relating to self 确定可能的个人职业道路Identify possible individual career pathways 在选定的研究领域表现出更好的理解能力Demonstrate improved understanding in a chosen field of study
1.2活用大脑 brain dominance:展示对大脑支配如何影响成人学习者的理解Show an understanding of how brain dominance may impact on adult learners
1.3积极思维think positively:描述处理压力的方法 Describe stress and its common sources and effects in relation to adult learners;Describe ways of dealing with stress
1.4解决问题critical problem-solving:列举批判性思维主要原则,运用批判性思维来解决问题Demonstrate knowledge of critical thinking principles;Use critical thinking to solve problems
1.5设定目标smart goal and criteria:确定自我发展的策略 Identify strategies for self-development 确定自己的学习目标Identify own learning goals
1.6制定计划 creating a plan:演示如何有效利用时间Show an understanding of the importance of time management for adult learners 处理优先事项Demonstrate effective use of time in relation to own and/or group priorities;开发并实施符合学习目标的发展议题Develop and undertake a special topic which meets learning goals 使用学习工具Identify study tools that can be used to support individual learning
[多选题]关于我是谁的回答,下面各个层面描述正确的有:The list of answers to the question “Who Am I?” probably include examples of each of the following four types of responses:()

选项:[Social Roles: We are all social beings whose behavior is shaped to some extent by the roles we play. Such roles as student, housewife, or member of the football team not only help others to recognize us but also help us to know what is expected of us in various situations., Existential Statements (abstract ones): These can range from I’m a child of the universe to I’m a human being to I’m a spiritual being...etc., Personal Traits: These are a third dimension of our self-descriptions. “I’m impulsive...I’m generous...I tend to worry a lot”...etc., Physical Description: I’m tall, have blue eyes...etc.]
[多选题]影响自尊的四个方面的因素有:Argyle believes there are 4 major factors that influence self-esteem.()

选项:[SOCIAL ROLES. Some social roles carry prestige e.g. doctor, airline pilot, TV. presenter, premiership footballer and this promotes self-esteem. Other roles carry stigma. E.g. prisoner, mental hospital patient, refuse collector or unemployed person., IDENTIFICATION. Roles aren’t just “out there.” They also become part of our personality i.e. we identity with the positions we occupy, the roles we play and the groups we belong to., THE REACTION OF OTHERS. If people admire us, flatter us, seek out our company, listen attentively and agree with us we tend to develop a positive self-image. If they avoid us, neglect us, tell us things about ourselves that we don’t want to hear we develop a negative self-image., COMPARISON WITH OTHERS. If the people we compare ourselves with (our reference group) appear to be more successful, happier, richer, better looking than ourselves we tend to develop a negative self-image BUT if they are less successful than us our image will be positive.]
HIGH SELF ESTEEM i.e. we have a positive view of ourselves. This tends to lead to()

选项:[Not worrying about what others think, Self-acceptance, Optimism, Confidence in our own abilities]
[多选题]职业发展路径根据行业分类,可以分为6类,分别是 The Vocational Pathways are made up of six sectors of industry: ()

选项:[Social and Community Services, Creative Industries., Construction and Infrastructure;, Services Industries., Primary Industries, Manufacturing and Technology]
LOW SELF ESTEEM i.e. we have a negative view of ourselves. This tends to lead to()

选项:[Lack of confidence, Always worrying what others might think, Pessimism, Want to be/look like someone else]

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