第二章 高效沟通能力(中级)communication skills:该模块的目的是通过为学生设计体验式学习,帮助他们发展必要的技能和知识,以有效沟通,以书面和口头形式,达到高等教育毕业生对于沟通能力的要求。The aim of the module is to provide students with experiences which will help them develop the skills and knowledge necessary to communicate effectively, in both written and oral form, for tertiary study at certificate level. 知识点Content: • 事实与意见Fact versus opinion• 定位信息Locating information• 收集信息Collecting information• 组织信息Organising information• Using primary and secondary resources使用主要和次要资源• 提问技巧Questioning skills • 口语文本的内容、结构、语言Content, structure, language of oral text• 倾听技巧:包括总结和解释Listening skills: including summarising and paraphrasing• 语言特征,如词汇、语法、文体、语域Language features eg words, grammar, style, register • 会议指南/程序Meeting guidelines/procedures• 团队角色和责任Team roles and responsibilities• 确定自己在团队中的角色Identification of own role in a team• 促进小组讨论Facilitation of group discussion• 达成共识Reaching consensus• 口头陈述的交付技术Delivery techniques for oral presentations• 准确表达信息(书面和口头)Presenting information accurately (written and oral)• 语言与非语言沟通Verbal and non-verbal communication • 使用声音:音调、节奏、音量、节奏、停顿、语调、强调Use of voice: pitch, pace, volume, rhythm, pause, intonation, emphasis• 肢体语言:手势,面部表情,姿势,眼神交流,动作。Body language: gesture, facial expression, stance, eye contact, movement. • 理解作业问题Understanding assignment questions文化价值观Cultural values• 差异:观点、文化、性别Differences: of opinion, culture, gender• 团队口头陈述Team oral presentations2.1沟通中的互动interaction:提出问题以澄清并从其他组员那里获得信息Ask questions to clarify and obtain information from other group members 以口头形式准确地陈述信息Present information accurately in oral form 为小组讨论提供相关的想法、信息和意见Contribute relevant ideas, information and opinions to group discussions 用建设性的问题;回答别人的问题,邀请别人的意见和贡献Use constructive questions;积极参加非正式会议Participate actively in informal meetings
2.2会议organizing meeting(沟通的实用性):遵守约定的会议程序Comply with agreed meeting procedures 积极参与团队或小组,完成日常工作Participate actively in a team or group to complete routine tasks 为小组讨论提供相关的想法、信息和意见Contribute relevant ideas, information and opinions to group discussions 在小组讨论中阐明自己的观点Clarify own viewpoint in group discussions 提出问题以澄清并从其他组员那里获得信息Ask questions to clarify and obtain information from other group members 尊重他人的贡献Respect others’ contributions 在小组活动中取得一致意见并协调不同的投入Obtain consensus and reconcile different inputs in group activities answer questions from others and invite opinions and contributions from others 确定团队角色和责任Identify team roles and responsibilities 识别团队成员不同的文化价值观Identify differing cultural values of team members 以口头形式准确地陈述信息Present information accurately in oral form 讲话清晰连贯Speak clearly and coherently 定位和组织与任务准备相关的信息Locate and organise information in relation to assignment preparation 以书面形式准确地提供信息Present information accurately in written form
2.3达成一致meeting consensus(沟通的战略性strategic):达成一致meeting consensus(沟通的战略性strategic)
2.4演讲Giving a speech (presentation skills)(沟通的表演性performative):提交一篇事务性的口头文本(以演讲、辩论或研讨会的形式)Deliver one transactional oral text (in the form of a speech, debate or seminar) 使用适当的内容、结构、语言和传递技巧。Use appropriate content, structure, language and delivery techniques. 使用技术来交流思想和信息Use technology to communicate ideas and information • 选择个人策略来管理紧张和建立信心•利用他们独特的交付能力,同时建立有效的新技能和习惯•分析听众并评估演讲情况•构建一个清晰,集中展示和目标消息•使复杂/技术信息更清晰和简洁•使用三个的力量创建有效的空缺•创造并交付一个专横的结尾•处理问题、中断和挑战•考虑一些创造性的方式,让演讲更具互动性,更令人难忘Select individual strategies to manage nervousness and build confidence• Capitalize on their unique delivery strengths while building effective new skills and habits• Analyze the audience and assess the presentation situation• Construct a clear, focused presentation with a Targeted Message• Make complex/technical information more clear and concise• Create effective openings using the Power of Three• Create and deliver a masterful closing• Handle questions, interruptions and challenges• Consider creative ways to make presentations more interactive and mo
[单选题]以下那个不属于会议的三个阶段(  )

选项:[退场阶段, 后续阶段, 准备阶段, 实际会议阶段]
Three Aspects of Conflict
There are essentially three aspects of conflict that need to be faced: ()
选项:[needs, emotions, values]
Voting methods may include: ()

选项:[speaking up (e.g. all those in favour please say ‘aye’), raising your hand, Secret ballot (where you write your vote on a piece of paper)]

The way to make decisions when you are working in a group are:()

选项:[By consensus, Secret ballot (where you write your vote on a piece of paper), Majority votes]
[多选题]处理冲突的类型,以心里面的动物为比喻,有哪几类?()选项:[Fox, Owl, Turtle, Teddy bear, Shark]

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