  1. 如果人生像水一样注定要流进容器,我愿意像杯子、像面盆、哪怕是塑料桶。即便没有大海的宽阔和深沉,即便平庸。但是,活得简单、干脆、透明、实用。( )

  2. A:If it's inevitable that life will be in a container just like water, I'd like mine to be like a cup, a washbasin, and a plastic bucket will also do. Even though it does not have the vastness and profundity of the sea, or it will be mediocre, life at least is simple, clean, transparent and practical. B:If life must be shaped by its container, I'd rather mine take the shape of a cup, a basin or even a plastic bucket; lacking the width and depth of the sea, plain and common as it is, my life is at least simple, upright, transparent and useful.
    答案:If life must be shaped by its container, I'd rather mine take the shape of a cup, a basin or even a plastic bucket; lacking the width and depth of the sea, plain and common as it is, my life is at least simple, upright, transparent and useful.
  3. 父亲吊起他的双手,用粗粗的皮带抽打他。重重的体罚只会加重他的叛逆。( )

  4. A:His father hung him by the hands and beat him with a thick leather belt, but the severe corporal punishment made him all the more rebellious. B:His father had to resort to such severe punishment as hanging him by the hands and flogging him with a strong belt, which only drove him further to defiance.
  5. 他被叫到老师办公室。走在去办公室的路上,他做好了种种应付老师的心理准备。他想,老师这次一定不会轻易饶他的。( )

  6. A:He was summoned to the teacher's office. On the way, he well prepared himself for the teacher's reproach, believing that he would not be easily spared this time. B:He was consequently summoned to the teacher's office. On the way he was trying to steel himself for the teacher's impending reproaches; he knew he would not be spared this time.
  7. 我想,那好吧,让这妮子靠在我这老头子的肩上宽一下心。( )

  8. A:I thought, well, I would let the girl lean on my old shoulder to calm herself down. B:I thought, well, the lass could use a bit of an old shoulder to lean on.
  9. 我们又总是关注一件事时才发现另一件,于是我们便常常被绊住,闹得举棋不定。( )

  10. A:It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we have engaged in another. The former may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. B:It often happens that only when we are doing one thing do we find another thing. So we're entangled, not knowing what to do first.
  11. 别的方面呢?平常女孩子所喜好的事,她却一点都不爱。( )

  12. A:And what's more, she didn't share the same likes with ordinary girls. B:Besides, she didn't like at all the things ordinary girls like.
  13. 当前,祖国内地和香港的发展都处在一个新的历史起点上。我们既面临着难得的发展机遇,也面临着严峻挑战。( )

  14. A:We are now standing at a new historical juncture in the development of both the mainland and Hong Kong and are facing rare opportunities for development and severe challenges. B:Both the mainland and Hong Kong are now at a new historical starting line in their development endeavor. We face both rare opportunities of development and grave challenges.
  15. 六年来,在中央和国务院的正确领导下,经过西部地区各族人民的艰苦奋斗、开拓创新,西部大开发取得了重大进展和明显成效。( )

  16. A:Over the past six years, our efforts in developing Western China have fruited in major progress and noticeable results, which should be attributed to the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and the hard work and the pioneering and innovative spirit of all the ethnic groups in Western China. B:Over the past six years, we have made great progress and delivered impressive results in China's Western Development Drive, which is due to the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and to the diligence and pioneering innovation of all ethnic groups in Western China.
  17. 佃农家庭的生活自然是很苦的。可是由于母亲的聪明能干,却舒服。( )

  18. A:The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman. B:The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but it was somehow comfortable because mother was a clever and able woman.
  19. 鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。( )

  20. A:Helpless widows and widowers, the lonely, as well as the sick and disabled, are well cared for. B:Those who have no kin and cannot support themselves as well as those who are sick or handicapped should all be properly taken care of.

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