第三章 British History (II): The House of Normandy:本章内容包括诺曼王朝主要君主的介绍,学习封建制度在诺曼君主治下的进一步发展及最终确立,末日审判书的编制和封建生活的主要特点。3.1Britain under the Rule of the Norman Monarchs:诺曼底王朝历经四位君主,威廉一世创建了跨海而治的二元帝国,法语成为英国的官方语言;亨利一世之后王国一度陷入混乱,随着法国安茹伯爵之子亨利二世入主英国,英国进入安茹王朝(金雀花)王朝统治时期。
3.2Feudalism after the Norman Conquest:威廉一世即位后,为了镇压国内盎格鲁-撒克逊人的叛乱,在全国修建了很多城堡,包括著名的伦敦塔和温莎城堡。威廉一世将手下的骑士封为男爵,并将英国的大部分土地分给他们,分别派其驻各地镇守。男爵需要对国王宣誓效忠、缴税、在战时提供士兵。
3.3The Doomsday Book:威廉一世(征服者)下令对全国土地调查情况进行汇编,调查结果汇总整理,编定成册,称《末日审判书》,成为研究诺曼王朝的重要历史资料。
[单选题]The Doomsday Book was in fact a record of each man's ______.
[单选题]The war between Matilda and Stephen resulted in the establishment of the House of ________.
 Lancaster[单选题]Feudalism was established in England after ________.
 the House of York
 the House of Plantagenet
 the House of Lancaster
 the House of Normandy[判断题]After his conquest of England, William I began to organize the government of England on the system based on the ownership of land.

[判断题]After his conquest of England, William I took the land away from its English owners and divided it among his Norman lords, including his bishops and abbey leaders.

[判断题]In the Medieval England, the common people belonged to the knight on whose manor they lived. They had to serve him as farm-workers and as soldiers.

[判断题]In the House of Normandy, the Church interfered with the county courts ruled by sheriff.

[判断题]After his conquest of England, William I controlled the country only by building castles all over the country.

[判断题]When William I died, he left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert.

[判断题]Henry I gave charters to towns and he let London elect its own sheriff.

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