  1. Extranuclear inheritance occurs due to (核外遗传的发生是由于) ( )

  2. A:Mutations that disrupt the integrity of the nuclear membrane.(破坏核膜完整性的突变) B:Chromosomes that may become detached from the spindle apparatus during meiosis.(减数分裂过程中染色体可能从纺锤体上脱落) C:None of the rest(其余均无) D:Genetic material that is found in chloroplasts and mitochondria.(存在于叶绿体和线粒体中的遗传物质)
    答案:Genetic material that is found in chloroplasts and mitochondria.(存在于叶绿体和线粒体中的遗传物质)
  3. What is the molecular explanation for maternal effect?(母体效应的分子解释是什么)( )

  4. A:The gene products from nurse cells are needed during the very early stages of development.(在发育的极早期阶段需要来自营养细胞的基因产物) B:Both b and c are correct.(b和c都是正确的) C:The father’s gene is silenced at fertilization.(父亲的基因在受精时被沉默) D:During oogenesis, nurse cells transfer gene products to the oocyte.(在卵子发生过程中,营养细胞将基因产物传递给卵母细胞)
  5. A cross is made between a green four-o’clock plant and a variegated one. If the variegated plant provides the pollen , the expected outcome of the phenotypes of the offspring will be (一个绿叶子的紫茉莉科植物和杂色叶子植株进行杂交。如果杂色叶子植物提供了花粉,后代的表型的预期结果将是) ( ).

  6. A:Some plants with green leaves, some with variegated leaves, and some with white leaves.(有的植株叶片呈绿色,有的植株叶片呈杂色,有的植株叶片呈白色) B:3 plants with green leaves to 1 plant with variegated leaves.(3株绿叶至1株杂叶) C:3 plants with green leaves to 1 plant with white leaves.(3株绿叶至1株白叶) D:All plants with green leaves.(所有植株叶片均为绿色)
  7. Some human diseases are caused by mutations in mitochondrial genes. Which of the following statements is false?(人类的一些疾病是由线粒体基因突变引起的。以下哪种说法是错误的)( )

  8. A:Heteroplasmy plays a key role in the severity of mitochondrial disease symptoms.(异质性在线粒体疾病症状的严重程度中起着关键作用) B:Human mitochondrial diseases follow a maternal inheritance pattern.(人类线粒体疾病遵循母系遗传模式) C:The symptoms associated with mitochondrial diseases tend to improve with age.(与线粒体疾病相关的症状随着年龄的增长趋于改善) D:Mutations associated with mitochondrial diseases often affect cells with a high demand for ATP.(与线粒体疾病相关的突变往往影响对ATP需求较高的细胞)
  9. Chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from an endosymbiotic relationship involving (叶绿体和线粒体从涉及()的内共生关系进化而来) ( ).

  10. A:Cyanobacteria and purple bacteria, respectively.(分别是蓝细菌和紫色细菌) B:Purple bacteria and cyanobacteria, respectively.(分别是紫色细菌和蓝细菌) C:Cyanobacteria (蓝细菌). D:Purple bacteria (紫色细菌).

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