  1. A human individual with 45 chromosomes has a (拥有 45 条染色体的人类个体是)_____.( )

  2. A:Triploidy (三倍性) B:Trisomy (三体性) C:Monosomy (单体性) D:Monoploidy (单倍性)
    答案:Monosomy (单体性)
  3. Which of the following statements about Down syndrome is false (下列关于唐氏综合症的陈述中,哪一项是错误的)? ( )

  4. A:Most Down syndrome births happen to women over age 35.(大多数唐氏综合症患者是 35 岁以上的女性) B:Individuals with Down syndrome are triploid (唐氏综合症患者是三倍体). C:All of the rest are false.(其余都是错误的) D:Familial Down syndrome is due to nondisjunction (家族性唐氏综合征是由于不分离造成的).
  5. Autotriploids (同源三倍体) _____.( )

  6. A:may result from the crossing of a diploid with a tetraploid (可能是二倍体与四倍体杂交的结果) B:may result from the fertilization of an egg by two haploid sperm(可能是一个卵细胞与两个单倍体精子受精的结果) C:may result from the fertilization of a haploid gamete with an abnormal diploid gamete(可能是单倍体配子与异常的二倍体配子受精的结果) D:all of the rest(其余所有)
  7. A genomic condition that may be responsible for some forms of fragile-X syndrome, as well as Huntington disease, involves (一种可能导致某些形式的脆性 X 综合征以及亨廷顿病的基因组状况涉及)________. ( )

  8. A:multiple inversions (倒位) in the X chromosome( X 染色体上有多个倒位) B:various lengths of trinucleotide repeats( 不同长度的三核苷酸重复序列) C:multiple breakpoints fairly evenly dispersed along the X chromosome( 沿 X 染色体相当均匀分布的多个断裂点) D:single translocations (易位) in the X chromosome( X染色体上的单易位)
  9. Recently, a gene located on chromosome 3 in humans, FHIT, has been shown to be associated with the significant human malady known as ________.(最近,位于人类 3 号染色体上的一个基因 FHIT 被证明与人类重大疾病________相关)( )

  10. A:XYY/XY mosaicism ( XYY/XY 嵌合现象) B:Cancer(癌症) C:Klinefelter syndrome(克兰费尔特综合征) D:Huntington disease(亨廷顿病)

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