  1. An E. coli trp– auxotroph can grow on (一种色氨酸营养缺陷型的大肠杆菌可以在...上生长) ( )

  2. A:both B and C(B和C) B:minimal medium plus amino acids(基本培养基加氨基酸) C:complete medium (完全培养基) D:minimal medium (基本培养基)
    答案:both B and C(B和C)
  3. Escherichia coli O157:H7 can cause serious foodborne illness. This strain of E. coli has acquired the ability to create a toxin normally produced in the bacterial species Shigella. Which of the following would not explain this ability found in E. coli? (大肠杆菌O157:H7可引起严重的食物传染疾病。该大肠杆菌菌株已获得了产生一般由志贺氏杆菌生成的毒素的能力。下面哪一个不能解释在大肠杆菌中发现的这种能力) ( )

  4. A:Vertical transfer (垂直转移) B:Transformation (转化) C:Horizontal transfer (水平转移) D:Recombination (重组) E:coli O157:H7 must have picked up the Shigella gene for producing the toxin. Each of the ways mentioned allows exchange of DNA between bacteria, but vertical transfer involves exchange of DNA within a species.(大肠杆菌O157:H7必须携带志贺氏杆菌基因才能产生毒素。上述每一种方式都允许细菌之间的DNA交换,但垂直转移涉及物种内的DNA交换)
  5. In an Hfr X F– mating, if the order of transfer of loci is leu – azi – ton – lac, one can conclude that (在Hfr菌株和 F-菌株结合中,如果位点的传递顺序为leu - azi - ton - lac,则可以得出) ( )

  6. A:there are five time units between azi and ton(azi与ton之间有五个时间单位) B:leu is adjacent to the point of origin(leu与原点毗连) C:the next transferred locus will be gal(下一个转移位点将是gal) D:eu is adjacent to lac(Eu与lac毗连)
  7. If two loci cotransform frequently,(如果2个位点频繁发生共转化,那么) ( ).

  8. A:they are closely linked(两者紧密相连) B:they are both on the same plasmid (两者都在同一个质粒上) C:they are on the same chromosome but more than 50 map units apart(两者位于同一条染色体上,但相距50多个图谱单元) D:they are both carried by the same phage DNA molecule(两者均由同一噬菌体DNA分子携带)
  9. Transduction is a form of recombination in bacteria that involves (转导是细菌中重组的一种形式,涉及) ( ).

  10. A:physical contact between the bacteria involved(细菌间的物理接触等均有涉及) B:Bacteriophages(噬菌体) C:F plasmids(F质粒) D:fertility factors(生殖因子)

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