  1. Which of the following types of transposable elements rely on an RNA intermediate for transposition? (以下哪种类型的转座元件依赖于RNA中间体进行转座) ( )

  2. A:Insertion elements (插入元件) B:All of the rest(其余所有) C:Simple transposons (简单转座子) D:Retrotransposons (反转录转座子)
    答案:All of the rest(其余所有)
  3. The function of transposase is (转座酶的功能是) ( )

  4. A:all of the rest.(其余所有) B:to insert a TE into a new site.(将转座子插入到新的位点上) C:to remove a TE from its original site.(从原来的位点上移除转座子) D:to recognize inverted repeats.(识别反向重复序列)
  5. According to the selfish DNA hypothesis, TEs exist because (根据自私的DNA假说,转座子之所以存在使因为) ( )

  6. A:they have characteristics that allow them to multiply within the chromosomal DNA of living cells.(它们具有在活细胞的染色体DNA内增殖的特性) B:they promote the expression of certain beneficial genes.(促进某些有益基因的表达) C:all of the rest.(其余所有) D:they offer the host a selective advantage.(它们为宿主提供了选择性优势)
  7. Which of the following is true of reverse transcriptase? (关于转录酶下列说法正确的是) ( )

  8. A:It is required for the movement of DNA transposons.(它是DNA转座子活动所必需的) B:It is required for the transposition of retrotransposons.(它是反转录转座子转座所必需的) C:It catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from RNA.(催化RNA合成DNA) D:Both b and c are correct.(b和c都是正确的)
  9. Which of the following is a potential effect of transposons in the genome? (下列哪个是转座子在基因组中的潜在效应) ( )

  10. A:Altering splice sites of genes and Exon shuffling (改变基因的剪接位点和外显子重排) B:All of the rest.(其余所有) C:Gene inactivation (失活) by insertional mutagenesis (插入型突变导致的基因失活) D:Change in gene regulation by epigenetic change in nearby chromatin(邻近染色质的表观遗传学改变引起的基因调控的变化)

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