  1. What was the first genome sequenced? (第一个被测序的基因组是) ( )

  2. A:The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae(酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae) B:The bacterium Escherichia coli(大肠杆菌Escherichia coli) C:The bacteriophage X174 (X174噬菌体) D:The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster(果蝇 Drosophila melanogaster)
    答案:The bacteriophage X174 (X174噬菌体)
  3. In functional genomics, genes in different species thought to be descended from a gene in a common ancestor is a(n) (在功能基因组学中,不同物种中被认为是来自共同祖先的基因的基因是一个) ( )

  4. A:Ortholog (直系同源物) B:Analog (类似物) C:Paralog (旁系同源物) D:Homolog (同源物)
  5. Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about genome comparison between chimpanzee and human? (关于黑猩猩与人类的基因组比较下列说法不正确的是) ( )

  6. A:The expression of genes is quite similar.(基因的表达情况十分相似) B:There is evidence of genetic divergence and then sharing of genes again before complete separation of the ancestor species.(有证据表明,在祖先物种完全分离之前,存在遗传分化,然后再次共享基因) C:Duplicated regions in humans play an important role in species differences.(人类中的重复区域在物种差异中起着重要的作用) D:We share about 98% of the same genes.(我们共享约98 %的相同基因)
  7. A prokaryotic genome is about 4 million bp in length. About how many genes would you expect it to contain(原核生物的基因组长度约为400万bp。你期望它包含多少个基因)? ( )

  8. A:4000 B:400 C:400,000 D:40,000
  9. Which of the following statements about the field of metagenomics is true? (下列关于宏基因组学领域的陈述正确的是) ( )

  10. A:It looks at transcriptional activity of an entire genome under differing conditions.(研究整个基因组在不同条件下的转录活性) B:It sequences and identifies genomes from entire communities from environmental samples. (从环境样品中对整个群落的基因组进行测序和鉴定) C:It only works with bacteria.(仅与细菌起作用) D:It requires culturing of the newly discovered microorganisms.(需要对新发现的微生物进行培养)

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