  1. Which of the following is a not an example of quantitative inheritance (下面的哪一种都不是数量遗传的例子)? ( )

  2. A:Height in humans(人类的身高) B:All are examples of quantitative inheritance(其余都是数量遗传的例子) C:Flower color in pea plants (豌豆植株的花色) D:Grain color in wheat(小麦籽粒颜色) E:Milk production in cattle(奶牛产奶量)
    答案:Flower color in pea plants (豌豆植株的花色)
  3. A cross is made between a red flowering and a white flowering plant. The F1 is a uniform pink, but in the F2, 1/64 of the plants have white flowers, 1/64 have red, and the rest have varying shades of pink to red. How many genes are estimated to be affecting the trait? (红色开花植物和白色开花植物进行杂交。F1为均匀的粉红色,但在F2中,有1 / 64的植株是白色的花,1 / 64的植株是红色的花,其余的植株有不同程度的粉红色到红色。估计影响该性状的基因有多少个) ( )

  4. A:5 B:3 C:2 D:1 E:4
  5. These samples have the same ________ but different ________.(图中样本有相同的_______,和不同的________)( )

  6. A:Covariance ; variances(协方差;方差) B:Variance; means(方差;平均值) C:Mean ; variances(平均值;方差) D:Standard deviation ; means(标准误;平均值) E:Standard deviation; central tendencies (标准误;集中趋势)
  7. If a trait shows high concordance in both monozygotic and dizygotic twins, that means (如果一个性状在单卵双胞胎和双卵双胞胎中都表现出较高的一致性,即).( )

  8. A:The trait is under both genetic and environmental control(该性状受遗传和环境共同控制) B:The trait is definitely environmentally controlled(该性状绝对受环境控制) C:The trait is not under either genetic or environmental control(该性状不受遗传或环境控制) D:The trait is definitely under genetic control(该性状肯定受遗传控制) E:Care must be taken in drawing the conclusion about the source of concordance(在得出一致性来源的结论时必须谨慎)
  9. Traits that are essential to survival have lower heritabilities than other traits because they .(对生存至关重要的性状比其他性状具有更低的遗传力,因为它们) ( )

  10. A:are under less genetic control(受到较少的遗传控制) B:are more influenced by the environment(受环境的影响较大) C:have more genetic variation(具有较多的遗传变异) D:have been subjected more rigorously to natural selection(受到更严格的自然选择) E:have lower rates of mutation(具有较低的突变率)

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