  1. A cell in the G0 stage (处于 G0 期的细胞)_____.( )

  2. A:is replicating its DNA(正在复制 DNA) B:has withdrawn from the cell cycle(已退出细胞周期) C:is in the process of dividing(正在分裂) D:has just completed cell division(刚刚完成细胞分裂)
    答案:has withdrawn from the cell cycle(已退出细胞周期)
  3. In mitosis, sister chromatids are separated during ______, while sisters are separated in ______ of meiosis.(在有丝分裂中,姐妹染色单体在 ______ 期间分离。而姐妹染色单体在减数分裂的 ______ 期间分离)( )

  4. A:anaphase; anaphase II(后期;后期 II) B:metaphase; metaphase I(中期;中期 I) C:anaphase; anaphase I(后期;后期 I) D:prophase; prophase I(前期;前期I)
  5. During meiosis I , _____.(在减数分裂 I 期间)( )

  6. A:Dyads split to form monads(二分体分裂成单分体) B:an equational division takes place(发生均等分裂) C:sister chromatids separate(姐妹染色单体分离) D:crossing over takes place(发生交换)
  7. Meiosis allows _____.(减数分裂)( )

  8. A:the genetic contribution of two individual parents to each offspring (双亲对每个后代都有遗传贡献) B:the generation of genetic variation among offspring and of new combinations of alleles on the same chromosome(在后代中产生遗传变异,在同一条染色体上产生新的等位基因组合) C:all of the rest(其余都是) D:the transmission of equivalent genetic information from generation to generation(一样的基因信息代代相传)
  9. A diploid somatic (“body”) cell has 2n=20 chromosomes. At the end of mitosis, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. At the end of meiosis I, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. At the end of meiosis II, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. (一个二倍体体细胞("个体")有 2n=20 条染色体。有丝分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体。减数第一次分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体。减数第二次分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体)( )

  10. A:2n=20, 1n=10, 1n=10 B:2n=20, 2n=20, 1n=20 C:2n=20, 2n=20, 1n=10 D:1n=10, 1n=10, 1n=10
  11. In animals, a key difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that (在动物中,精子发生和卵子发生的一个主要区别是)_____.( )

  12. A:None of rest describes a difference between the two processes(其余都不能说明这两个过程的区别) B:only spermatogenesis involves meiosis(只有精子发生涉及减数分裂) C:spermatogenesis produces four sperm, whereas oogenesis produces only one egg cell(精子发生产生四个精子,而卵子发生只产生一个卵细胞) D:only oogenesis involves meiosis(只有卵子发生涉及减数分裂)

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