第十章 Language Acquisition:In this chapter, we will focus on language acquisition. We will provide tentative answers to some questions concerning how language is learned. Some theories of child language acquisition will be first introduced, then the Critical Period Hypothesis and learning environment will be discussed with exemplification, and finally the stages of language learning will be presented briefly.10.1Theories of Child Language Acquisition:In this section, we will firstly make a brief introduction of language acquisition, and then three different theories concerning how language is learned, namely, the behaviorist, the innatist, and the interactionist views, are discussed. Language acquisition refers to a child’s acquisition of his mother tongue. It seems that most children learn their native language very fast and with little effort. How do children accomplish their language learning? What enables children to learn words and string them together into meaningful sentences? What facilitates children to develop the grammatical system of their language? All these are closely related to the core issues in linguistic studies such as what language is, what language instinct is and how people acquire language.
10.2Cognitive Development in Child Language Development:In this section, we are going to focus on cognitive factors in child language development. Apart from some factors or variables in relation to child language acquisition, such as environmental factors and innate linguistic factors, the role of children’s cognitive development is also important because both their linguistic and non-linguistic abilities change dramatically in the early development. It seems that children’s cognitive development closely relates to their language development. We are going to explain it from two aspects. First, language development is dependent on both the concepts children form about the world and what they feel stimulated to communicate at the early and later stages of their language development. Second, the cognitive factors determine how the children make sense of the linguistic system instead of what meanings the children perceive and express.
10.3Language Environment and the Critical Period Hypothesis:In this section, we are going to examine the role of the linguistic environment and discuss the Critical Period Hypothesis. The two factors, the linguistic environment children are exposed to and the age they start to learn the language, bear remarkable relevance to their language development. In behaviorist approach, language environment plays a major role in providing both language models to be imitated and the necessary feedback. However, the innatist view calls for the quality of the language samples available in the linguistic environment. Age is another factor that is worth mentioning in first language acquisition. Both the strong version and the weak version of the Critical Period Hypothesis emphasize the role of age in learning the first language.
10.4Stages in Child Language Development:In this section, we will focus on the stages in child language development. We will briefly outline some main stages in children’s language development from the perspective of phonological development, vocabulary development, grammatical development, and pragmatic development.
10.5Atypical Development:In this section, we will briefly focus on some atypical development in the process of acquisition. It mainly includes hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism, stuttering, aphasia, and dyslexia and dysgraphia.
[判断题]The common denial that birds are animals among very young children is a typical example of over-extension.

[判断题]Dyslexia refers to the abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain lesion.

[多选题]According to the behaviorist view of language acquisition, ________ and ________ are preliminary or fundamental, and discrimination and generalization are crucial or key to language development.
inner mechanism
pre-equipped UG
imitation[多选题]According to the interactionist view of language acquisition, language development is a result of the complex interaction between ________ and ________.
the environment in which the child develops
the reinforcement the child has received
the human characteristics of the child
the concepts the child has formed about the world[单选题]Many studies of children’s acquisition sequences and errors in various languages have revealed that children have some ________ for making sense of language information.
operating principles
grammar principles
reward principles
reinforcement principles[判断题]According to Chomsky, human beings are not biologically programmed for language and the language develops in the child with extreme attention and efforts.

[判断题]The innatists argue that children can discover the rules and principles underneath the language by trial and error.

[单选题]The speech contains content words and lacks function elements can be called ________.
telegraphic speech
child directed speech
caretaker talk
motherese[单选题]A child may get confused hearing the color of white used for paper because he originally thought it as the word only for snow. This phenomenon belongs to ________.
analogy[单选题]Which of the following is the term meaning repetition of sounds, syllables, or phrases where the speaker cannot “release” the words?

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