1.One of the important contributions made by Sternberg and his theories of intelligence is that: ( )
A:intelligence is determined by environmental experience B:girls are initially more intelligent than boys but then the boys catch up in young adulthood C:intellectual development is tied to mathematical ability D:there is not a single type of intelligence, but there are several specialized subtypes
2."g" factor is: ( )
A:a generalization factor B:a general factor in intelligence C:a measure of "genius" D:a gremlin factor in factor analysis 3.That we tend to perceive things in terms of their familiar uses is called: ( )
A:remote associates B:single use theory C:single dimensional thinking D:functional fixedness 4.The intelligence theory of Sternberg is called: ( )
A:the component theory of intelligence B:the quadrilateral theory of intelligence C:the triarchic theory of intelligence D:the concept formation theory 5.Developmental cognitive psychology has been greatly influenced by the work of Piaget and Vygotsky. ( )
A:错 B:对

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