第六章 British History (V): The House of Hanover:本章主要讲述汉诺威王朝君主治下的英国,主要包括工业革命及其影响、维多利亚时代风尚、宪章运动及其意义以及大英帝国的形成及帝国主义的主要特征。6.1The House of Hanover and the Industrial Revolution:英国汉诺威王朝时期,工业革命开始于纺织业,以一系列的重大发明为标志,蒸汽机在煤矿、纺织、钢铁和机械等工业领域很快得到应用。工业革命业使得工业资产阶级不但在国家经济生活而且在政治生活中取得了霸主地位;英国成为世界上最先进的工业国家和世界金融中心;人口越来越多地集中到城镇,许多城市迅速发展起来,英国成为城市化国家。
6.2The Victorian Era:维多利亚女王统治时期是英国经济文化发展的全盛时期,英国工业革命达到顶点,科学技术飞速发展,各种文学流派盛行,尤其是长篇小说发展的黄金时代,并形成了以约束人们行为道德规范为核心的“维多利亚风尚”。
6.3The Chartist Movement:1837年,“伦敦工人协会”的工人,起草了一份给议会的、包括6项请求的请愿书,其后来被称做人民宪章。人民宪章在全国的一些大会上签署而形成运动,被称做宪章运动。宪章运动是“第一次广泛的,真正群众性、政治性的无产阶级革命运动”。从宪章运动开始,英国工人阶级进入了独立开展反对资产阶级政治运动的阶段。
6.4The British Empire:大英帝国开始于1583年英国第一块殖民地纽芬兰的建立。1899年英布战争后,大英帝国的殖民扩张达到了高潮。到1900年,英国已从资本主义过渡到帝国主义,以海外领土扩张、资本输出和垄断为重要特征。
[单选题]The British Industrial Revolution first began in the ________ industry.
 iron and steel
 coal mining
[单选题]The term “Rotten Boroughs” means ________.
 dirty boroughs
 boroughs in which there were no inhabitants
 constituencies that were represented in the House of Commons though there was not an inhabitant in it
 boroughs that were rotten[单选题]The British Empire reached the peak of its colonial expansion after the ________.
 World War II
 Anglo-Boer War
 World War I
 the First Opium War [判断题]Victoria's reputation in Britain was also due to her personality.

[判断题]The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the clothing industry.

[判断题]After the Industrial Revolution, Britain became the “workshop of the world.”

[判断题]After the Seven Years’ War England became the strongest sea power and dominated world trade. 

[判断题]As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the financial bourgeoisie gained supremacy in both economic and political life of the country.

[判断题]Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.

[判断题]The British Empire began with the founding of Newfoundland in 1583,

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