第五章 Semantics:In this chapter, we will discuss the definition of semantics, theory of the semantic triangle, Leech's seven types of meaning, different kinds of meaning, sense relations. Students are expected to recognize sense relations between words and sentences and they are expected to be able to use componential analysis to distinguish synonyms, antonyms and sentence meanings.5.1An Introduction to Semantics:In this period, we will focus on the definition of semantics and the meaning of MEANING. First, we will define semantics. Then we will discuss the meaning of MEANING by introducing some previous views concerning the study of meaning.
5.2Sense and Reference:In this period, we will continue our discussion on semantics. First, we will clarify a confusing pair: sense and reference. Then we will briefly introduce the meaning classification from Geoffrey Leech (1974).
5.3Major Sense Relations Between Words:In this part, we will continue our discussion on semantics. Precisely, we will look into the major sense relations at the lexical level. As we have mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, SENSE refers to the abstract and decontextualized inherent meaning of a word. And words are in different sense relations with each other.
5.4Major Sense Relations Between Sentences:In this period, we will continue our discussion on sense relations. We will have a discussion on the main sense relations between sentences, which includes: 1. X is synonymous with Y. 2. X is inconsistent with Y. 3. X entails Y (Y is an entailment of X). 4. X presupposes Y (Y is a prerequisite of X).
5.5Analysis of Meaning:In this period, we will try to analyze meaning. We will focus on two kinds of analysis: 1. Componential analysis;  2. Predication analysis.
[单选题]The approach to semantic study that is more concerned with the relationship between linguistic expressions and the phenomena in the world to which they refer may be called ________.
Logical Semantics 
Formal Semantics 
Linguistic Semantics 
Cognitive Semantics
答案:Logical Semantics
[判断题]The Contextualist View of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from observable contexts.

[多选题]Meaning can be studied as ________.
naming [多选题]Predication analysis is to break down predications into their constituents: ________ and ________.
head [单选题]The predication of the sentence “Jack is happy” is said to consist of Jack, the _________, and happy, the predicate. 
subject[判断题]The sense relations between words can be analyzed in terms of truth conditions.

[判断题]As for gradable antonyms, the denial of one is the assertion of the other.

[判断题]A pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other.

[判断题]The concept of REFERENCE can be regarded as a connection between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

[判断题]According to the classic semantic triangle suggested by Ogden and Richards, the meaning of a word is the concept connecting the word with the real thing in the world. This concept is called Reference or Thought.

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