1.A highly popular public event at which everyone – whether a child, beginner or expert –selects their own distance and challenge . 该句最佳译文为( )
A:这是一项广受欢迎的大众活动, 不管是儿童、入门者还是专家, 他们都可以选择适合自己的距离和挑战。 B:一项高度受欢迎的大众活动,每个人——无论是儿童、初学者还是专家——都可以选择自己的距离和挑战。 C:这是一项高度受欢迎的公共活动, 儿童、入门者或是专家, 都可以选择适合自己的距离和挑战。 D:一项广受欢迎的公共活动,每个人——无论是儿童、初学者还是专家——都可以选择自己的距离和挑战。
2. 漓江的水,澄明清澈,晶莹碧绿,恰似翡翠玉带,逶迤于奇山秀峰之涧。该句最佳译文为( )
A:The Lijiang River winds its way like a jade belt through the beautiful mountains and peaks, with glittering and translucent green water like a mirror. B:The water of Lijiang River is clear and crystal-clear, glittering and translucent green, just like a jade belt, winding in the stream of Qishan Xiufeng. C:The Lijiang River winds its way like a ribbon through the magnificent mountains, with clear water like a mirror. D:The water of Lijiang River is clear, crystal clear and green, just like jadeite jade belt, winding in the stream of beautiful mountains and peaks.
3. 太湖奇峰环抱,烟水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色 美不胜收。该句最佳译文为( )
A:Thanks to the grotesque peaks around and the mist over the surface,the Taihu Lake is really a fascinating natural landscape. B:Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface form into harmonious natural scenery of the Taihu Lake. C:The grotesque peaks around and the mist over the surface,the Taihu Lake is really a fascinating natural landscape. D:Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface have turned the Taihu Lake into a marvelous natural landscape.
4.现在,这里以其独特的民族风情吸引着大批游客来观光旅游。译文为:Nowadays, it attracts large numbers of tourist for visiting by its unique minority amounts feelings. ( )
A:错 B:对
5.Out of all of America’s symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty.
译文为:在美国所有的标志当中,“自由女神”最为持久,也最具感召力。( )
A:错 B:对

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