  1. Please identify the SV structure of this sentence “Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and stories of self-made people from rags to riches, immigrants from many countries flocked to the United States, where they expected to make their fortune.” ( )

  2. A:They expected to make their fortune.
    B:Immigrants are attracted by reports.
    C:Immigrants from many countries flocked to the United States.
    D:Immigrants are attracted by stories of self-made people.

    答案:Immigrants from many countries flocked to the United States.

  3. In this sentence “The telephone rang and she immediately reached for the instrument”, the word “instrument” can be translated into__. ( )

  4. A:手段
  5. Which ones are the correct word order in Chinese? ( )

  6. A:result before reason
    B:reason before result
    C:description before comment
    D:background before foreground
  7. Which ones are the reasons why Chinese favors repetition while English avoids it? ( )

  8. A:difference in number of syllables
    B:difference in aesthetic standard
    C:difference in thinking modes
    D:difference in literature tradition
  9. English is characterized by compact structure, allowing more capacity of information in a smaller language unit. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错

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