1.It is commonly held that STM holds: ( )
A:3 items B:20 items C:7 items D:12 items
2.If a research participant confused a visually presented "P" with a "V" in STM we might conclude based on this evidence that STM codes: ( )
A:visual information B:auditory information C:semantic information D:syntactic information 3.The codings of human short-term memory basically include( ).
A:visual coding B:auditory coding C:image coding D:semantic coding 4.The Peterson and Peterson (1959) experiment on STM indicated that: ( )
A:forgetting in STM occurs if research participants do not rehearse B:STM is a hunch C:STM does not exist D:STM is severely limited in capacity 5.Facial cognizance is a superficial form of facial comprehension. ( )
A:错 B:对 1.




A:语义代码 B:表象代码 C:视觉代码 D:感觉代码  2.


A:对 B:错 3.



A:错 B:对 4.



A:通过老师的讲解,小明学会了如何计算圆形的面积  B:生长在京剧世家的孩子耳濡目染,很小就会唱京剧 C:儿童无需系统地学习语词和语法规则,不知不觉地就会说母语 D:小王经常看别人下象棋,时间一长,他也掌握了下象棋的方法和技巧  5.

英国神经心理学研究人员Warrington Weiskrantz 1968 )研究了遗忘症患者的______,这是较早的关于内隐记忆的实验研究。


A:启动效应 B:外显记忆 C:内隐记忆 D:遗忘效应 

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