第五章 Online Retail and Services 电子零售和在线服务:This chapter excamined online retail sector and online service sector,which includes fintech, online travel services, online career services and sharing economy.本章探讨了在线零售行业和在线服务行业。在线服务业包括在线金融服务、在线旅游服务、在线招聘服务和共享经济。5.1The Online Retail Sector 电子零售领域:The Online Retail Sector电子零售领域
5.2The Service Sector: Offline and Online 在线服务:线上和线下:The Service Sector: Offline and Online在线服务:线上和线下
[单选题]Virtual merchants face potentially large costs for all of the following except:
building and maintaining a website
building an order fulfillment infrastructure
building and maintaining physical stores
developing a brand name
答案:building and maintaining physical stores
[判断题]Manufacturer-direct firms are only single-channel manufacturers.

[多选题]Manufacturer-direct model has following advantages___________.
create channel conflicts
simplify the company’s operations
give the firm complete control over its customer database
eliminate the need to support a wholesale and retail sales network[多选题]__________ have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have online offerings.
virtual merchants
bricks-and-clicks companies
manufacture-direct companies
omini-channel merchants[多选题]Which of the following are true for big data and powerful analytics programs?
recommend products before they ask
make possible predictive marketing
Intend to make consumers all into big spenders
to send personalized messages to customers[判断题]Stitch Fix only relies on big data to clothing items and accessories for customers.

[判断题]Massive and well served SME market is one driving force of Fintech in China.

[判断题]Ant check later(花呗) gives credit ratings to users by leveraging users’ merchant data on the platform.

[判断题]Payment/remittances has the largest size of Fintech services.

[判断题]Ant check later(花呗) is a virtual credit card type of product that facilitates credit payments.

[单选题]Purchase of all travel elements are _________ offered by online travel sites.
customer service
commerce[多选题]Consumers’ travel requirements include _________.
comparison shopping
researching[单选题]Which of the following is not a major trend in the online recruitment services industry?
use of big data technologies in the hiring process
Millennials and GenX primarily use mobile devices to search for jobs
social recruiting[判断题]“Passive talent” refers to people who are not actively looking for a new job.

[判断题]Sharing economy business model has no negative outcomes.

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