
Which event stands for the formal establishment of cognitive linguistics as a discipline?

A:The first International Cognitive Linguistics Conference was held in Duisburg Germany B:The publication of Metaphors We Live by C:The publication of Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things D:The first course about cognitive linguistics was set up

In the metaphor “Our car has broken down”, the source domain is?

A:Car collapses B:Car C:The house collapses D:House 3.

Which of the following views means that “the choice of the subject of a sentence depends on the degree of the prominence of each element in the context described by the sentence”?

A:The experiential view B:The prominence view C:The cognitive view D:The attentional view 4.

Cognitive linguistics is born on the basis of ________.

A:The opposing of the mainstream linguistic conversion B:Generative grammar C:

All of the options

D:The opposing of generative grammar 5.

Both ________ and ________ were written by George Lakoff.

A:Metaphors We Live by B:Language and its Structure C:Foundations of Cognitive Grammar D:Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things 6.

Aristotle’s classical category theory has had a profound impact on ________.

A:Logics B:Humanities and social sciences C:Prototype theory D:Philosophy 7.

The essential feature of the traditional view of the category is the binary opposition.

A:对 B:错 8.

In different cultures, the prototypes of the category “bird” may be different.

A:错 B:对 9.

Metaphors are culture-related.

A:对 B:错 10.

The prototype category‘s philosophical roots are based on family similarity.

A:错 B:对

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