1.“游泳池里人山人海,跟煮饺子一样。”可译为___________ ( )
A:There are people mountain people sea, just like dumplings in the boiling water. B:The swimming pool is so packed, just like sardines. C:There are a lot of people in the swimming pool, just like cooking dumplings. D:People mountain people sea; cooking dumpling in the pool.
2.“I have one hundred and one things to do this morning.”可译为___________ ( )
A:今天早上我有很多事情要做。 B:今天早上我比较悠闲。 C:今天早上我需要100多件事。 D:今天早上我计划要做101件事。 3.在译“Well, I'm going there just to see the giant pandas. I just don't like bloody mountains.”时,“bloody”这个词可以省译。 ( )
A:错 B:对 4.“招待不周之处还请大家多多包涵!” 可译为“I am sorry for poor preparation. Please forgive my carelessness.” ( )
A:对 B:错 5.“Is cloning technology becoming the sword of Damocles to human beings?”可译为“克隆技术是否正成为日益成为人类安全无时不在的威胁呢?” ( )
A:对 B:错

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