

  1. Which of the following is not the tableware that usually used in western food?

  2. A:Chopsticks B:Knife and fork C:Dessert plate D:Napkin
    AI参考:正确答案是【C:Dessert plate】。在西方食物中,通常使用的餐具有刀叉和餐巾,而甜点盘不是餐具,而是一种装饰品或用于盛放甜点的容器。因此,C选项不是通常用于西方食物的餐具。'
  3. A:I'd like to thank you for my enjoyable stay in the hotel.
    B:It's been our pleasure to have you with us, Mrs.Smith.
    Q:What can we conclude from this conversation? ( )

  4. A:Mrs.Smith has had a good time in this hotel. B:Mrs.Smith had a pleasant stay with the man. C:The man is glad to see Mrs.Smith go. D:Mrs.Smith has stayed in this hotel for a long time.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Mrs.Smith has had a good time in this hotel。 对话中女士表示感谢男士对自己住的酒店感到满意,因此我们可以得出结论,女士在这个酒店住得很好。选项B和C显然是错误的,因为男士表示愿意接待女士而不是让女士走;选项D没有提到。因此,答案是A。"
  5. An operator offers the below services except (     ).

  6. A:book a room B:give direction C:transfer phone call D:make wake-up calls
    AI参考:答案:B:give direction根据题干中提供的选项,四个选项都与服务有关。其中,A选项“book a room”是预订房间服务,C选项“transfer phone call”是转接电话服务,D选项“make wake-up calls”是叫醒服务。这三个选项都是常见的服务内容。而B选项“give direction”是指路服务,不属于常见的服务范围。因此,B选项是与题干描述不符的选项,答案是B。'
  7. No, thank you. We don't accept tips, but thank you(       ).

  8. A:too B:also C:today D:all the same
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:all the same。原文中提到“我们不接受小费,但是谢谢你”,接着又说“同样的,谢谢”,其中“同样的”用英语表达就是“all the same”,因此选项D是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C在原文中没有对应的意思。'
  9. The first step in dealing with complaint is usually(  ).

  10. A:taking action B:saying sorry C:listening carefully D:reporting to the manager
    AI参考:正确答案是C:listening carefully。在处理投诉的第一步通常是仔细倾听,所以选项C“倾听”是正确的。其他选项A、B、D虽然也与处理投诉有关,但不符合题目中的描述。A选项“采取行动”可能过于笼统,没有明确指出具体的行动方式;B选项“道歉”虽然可能表示对问题的解决,但在大多数情况下,客户不会首先提出要求道歉;D选项“向经理报告”更多地是与正式的管理或汇报过程有关,而题目中没有明确说明要报告给经理。因此,只有选项C符合题目的要求。'
  11. It is very thoughtful(  )you(  )remind me of that.

  12. A:that……will B:for……to C:with……to D:of……to
    AI参考:正确选项是 D: of ……to。句子表达的是“你提醒我那是非常体贴的”,其中“of”表示“……的”,而“to”表示“向、对”的意思,所以选项D符合语境。句子中没有使用“that”引导从句,所以选项A不正确。而选项B和C中的“for”和“with”都不符合语境。因此,正确答案是D。'
  13. A:Good morning. Can I help you?
    B:Yes. I want to stay here one more night.
    Q:What do we know about the man? (    )

  14. A:He wants to extend his stay. B:He is checking in. C:He is getting some information. D:He is checking out.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:He is checking out.(他正在办理退房手续。)根据问题中的描述“他住了一晚上想再住一晚”和对话中的“Yes. I want to stay here one more night.”可以推断出,这个人想要再住一晚,因此可以判断他是在办理退房手续,也就是他即将离开酒店。所以答案是D。'
  15. I’11 speak (        ) the person and ask him what he can do.

  16. A:on B:to C:of D:for
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:to。句子中的“I’ll speak to the person”表示“我将与这个人说话”,其中“to”表示“对……说”的意思,符合句意。选项A、C、D都不符合语境。'
  17. All of us should learn how to(         )with difficult situations and people.

  18. A:make B:work C:put D:deal
    AI参考:正确选项是 D: deal句子中提到“我们应该学会如何应对困难的情况和人群”,其中“deal with”表示应对、处理的意思,符合句意。其他选项中,“make”表示制作、制造的意思,“work”表示工作、运转的意思,“put”表示放置、安排的意思,都不符合句意。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  19. (       )refers to a senior and more experienced waiter who will supervise and help train the staff.

  20. A:Restaurant supervisor B:Restaurant Manager C:Restaurant captain D:Restaurant trainer
  21. We offer you 200 yuan RMB per suite per night, (  )breakfast.

  22. A:include B:includes C:including D:included
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:included。句子中使用了“offer sb sth”的结构,表示提供某物给某人,而后面的“breakfast”是该句子的宾语,因此需要使用“included”来表达早餐是包含在房价内的意思。其他选项“include”、“includes”和“including”都不符合语法规则。因此,正确答案是D。'
  23. (     ) refers to the customer, who does not stay in the hotel, but comes to use the hotel services.

  24. A:Outsider B:Non-house guest C:Passing by guest D:Guest
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Non-house guest】。原文中提到的是“顾客”但并非住在酒店内的客人,而是来使用酒店服务的客人,因此选项B“非住客”最为符合。选项A“外人”和选项C“路过客人”都与原文描述不符,选项D“客人”虽然可以理解为非住客,但与原文表述稍有差异。'
  25. Let me (       ) you with luggage.

  26. A:helping B:helps C:to help D:help
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:help。原文中使用了let me和with luggage两个部分,其中let me是让某人做某事的意思,with luggage是带有行李的意思。这句话的意思是让我帮助你携带行李。所以根据句子结构分析,应该是动词和逻辑主语一起做主语补足语,而不是直接作为谓语动词的宾语,所以正确选项为D:help。'
  27. A:May I have your name, sir?
    B:(       )?

  28. A:Yes, you may B:My name is John Smith C:No, you must not D:Thank you
  29. The word 'reservation' equals to (   ).

  30. A:investment B:service C:settle the bill D:book
  31. After greeting a new guest, the receptionist's first action should be to().

  32. 答案:All of the above are equally important.AI参考:After greeting a new guest, the receptionists first action should be to provide assistance. After greeting a new guest, the receptionists first action should be to welcome the guest and provide assistance if needed. This could include helping with luggage, showing them around the building, or answering any questions they may have. Therefore, the answer is provide assistance."
  33. If you come again tomorrow, I'll ( ) that table for you.

  34. A:reserve B:prepare C:ready D:occupy
    答案:should callAI参考:正确选项是A:reserve。句子中提到“如果你明天再来,我会为你预留那张桌子”,reserve表示预留的意思,符合句意。其他选项B prepare表示准备,C ready表示准备好,D occupy表示占用,都不符合句意。'
  35. The main duty of the housekeeping department staff is to()the cleanliness and good order of all rooms in the hotel.

  36. A:take care B:look after C:make sure D:see to
    答案:make sure
  37. A:(  )?
    B:Yes, I'd like to book a room for my friend, Cray Smith.

  38. A:How do you do B:That is OK C:Can I help you D:How are you
    AI参考:正确选项是“C:Can I help you”。原文中A和B之间的对话是在酒店预订房间的过程中进行的,A向B询问是否需要帮助,B回答“那没事”,即没有特殊需要帮助的情况。因此,C选项“Can I help you”是符合情境的回答,表明A在向B寻求帮助。而其他选项的语气或语境都不符合这个场景。'
  39. I don't know how to tell real jade (        ) the imitation.

  40. A:of B:with C:from D:about
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:from原文中的“tell”与“from”是相关的,意思是“如何从仿制品中识别出真玉”。因此,选项C“from”是正确的答案。选项A“of”表示所属关系,选项B“with”表示伴随关系,选项D“about”表示关于某事。这些选项与原文语境不符。'
  41. Resources are a fundamental (          ) in the development of tourism.

  42. A:component B:composition C:comparison D:compliment

  43. A:Would you show me your passport, please?
    B:(         )?

  44. A:Here are we. B:Here you are C:Here we are. D:Here are you

  45. I would like to (        ) a room, please.

  46. A:look B:order C:see D:book
  47. A:Here is the registration form, please fill in it. Would you like a pen?
    B:(       )?

  48. AI参考:在提供的对话中,选项B并没有提出是否需要笔的具体内容,通常如果B回答:“Thank you. I will fill it in later”, 这是一个典型的礼貌和谦逊的回应,并且它直接回答了A的问题。所以,正确选项是:B: Thank you. I will fill it in later。"
  49. (       ) means food served in addition to the main meal and not part of the normal set dish.

  50. A:Side orders B:Set meal C:Dessert D:Appetizer

  51. Which of the following is the receptionist’s work?

  52. A:Clean the room B:Make bed C:Check-in D:Turn-down service
  53. The three different seasons in hotel sales are:(   ),the shoulder season and the low season.

  54. A:the peak season B:the normal season C:the common season D:the so-so season
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:the peak season 】。文中提到酒店销售的三个不同季节是高峰期、淡季和低谷期,其中高峰期是酒店销售最好的时期,所以选项A“高峰期”是正确的。选项B“正常季节”与文中描述不符,选项C“普通季节”和选项D“一般季节”在文中没有提及,因此不正确。'
  55. A:Hello, I'm calling to confirm my room reservation. My name is John Smith.
    B:(        )?

  56. A:What’s your room number, sir? B:Of course, sir. C:Sorry,there is no room available, sir. D:Where are you calling from
    AI参考:正确选项是B: What reservation?原文中A在打电话确认房间预订,所以B应该询问对方的预订信息,即“What reservation?”。而其他选项不符合语境。A选项是询问对方房间号码,与原文内容不符;C选项表示没有房间可用,不符合对方要求确认预订的情况;D选项询问对方打电话的地点,与原文内容无关。因此,B选项“What reservation?”是正确答案。'
  57. A:Welcome to our hotel,(           )?

  58. AI参考:选项A:Welcome to our hotel, have a pleasant stay!是正确的选项。根据上下文,这段话是一个酒店前台接待员对客人说的一句欢迎语,其中问号表示他需要等待客人的回应。所以选项A“Welcome to our hotel, have a pleasant stay!”是正确的回答。'
  59. A:What kind of room would you like, sir?
    B:(      )?

  60. A:Yes, I would B:Yes, please C:A double room, please D:No, I would not
    AI参考:正确选项是C:A double room,please。原文中A问B想要什么样的房间,B回答时使用了礼貌用语“请”,并明确表示想要一个双人间,因此选项C“A double room,please”是符合语境的正确答案。选项A和B虽然也是礼貌用语,但并没有明确表达出想要哪种房间,选项D则表达了否定的意思,与问题不符。'
  61. The bellboy needn't show the guests the basic facilities in the room and tell the guests how to use them.

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. Nowadays, a concierge must speak several languages.

  64. A:错 B:对

  65. Eye contact is unnecessary when serving guests.

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. Shark Fin and Swallow Nest have extraordinary nutritional value.

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. The bellboy should briefly introduce the facilities available in the hotel to the guests if it is needed.

  70. A:对 B:错
  71. It makes no difference for a receptionist to receive a guest either with or without a reservation.

  72. A:错 B:对

  73. A housekeeping staff should maintaining and repairing the facilities.

  74. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B.对。解析:housekeeping staff 是客房部工作人员,工作职责包括维护和修理客房内的设施设备。因此,本题答案是B,即“对”。'
  75. A good bartender should be polite and kindly to his guests.

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. A hotel maintenance worker is only responsible for repairing all kinds of appliances.

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. Once the guests have registered and been assigned a room, they will be given the deposit.

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. Front office, housekeeping, Food and Beverage, Pruchasing, and Maintenance all belong to the operational department.

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Foreigners are not expected to use chopsticks proficiently.

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. After registration, the receptionist should wish the guest an enjoyable stay at the hotel.

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. At the reception area, there is a door man who helps the bellboy register and assigns them their rooms.

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. When an overbooking occurs,the hotel does not need to find a room in another establishment for the guest.

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. Customers can only call to complain.

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. A good bartender should work clean all the time.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. Room service means to do service only in the guestroom.

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. Some hotels accept guests’ personal checks

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. Observe, detect, and warmly respond to signs of emergency situations is one of the abilities of a concierge.

  100. A:错 B:对

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